Page 28 of Keep Me Daddy

‘That’s so great to hear, bro,’ Zane said, a look of deep respect in his eyes. ‘You just have to let it happen.’

Harrison knew that this made sense. But as happy as he was, Harrison couldn’t deny that he still felt the remnants of the pain caused by the way his last relationship ended.

With the writing going so well again, Harrison knew that his career might skyrocket, just like it did all those years ago. Would Benji be able to cope with the extra demands on Harrison’s time – or would history repeat itself all over again?

It wasn’t something that Harrison wanted to contemplate, but he knew that with Benji and his relationship getting deeper he would have to face up to the potential that something could go wrong.

‘Harrison, I know that look,’ Zane said, putting an arm around his friend. ‘Talk to me, man.’

‘It’s just… you know after what happened with Justin all those years ago,’ Harrison said. ‘Forget my feelings, I don’t want to put Benji through a breakup. What if he can’t handle my career? Just like Justin couldn’t?’

‘We’re talking about two entirely different boys here,’ Zane said as he cracked open a new beer and handed it to Harrison. ‘Benji has his own career. If anything, he’d love the extra time to work on his own stuff even more. Everything you’ve told me about Benji so far says that he’d be cool with it.’

‘Damn, you really know what to say to make a grouchy old Daddy happy,’ Harrison said. ‘I hope you’re right too. I don’t want to jinx anything but…’

‘I know, I know,’ Zane said, not needing to hear Harrison confirm anything out loud. ‘Like I said, you’re a lucky guy. Boys like Benji don’t come around all that often.’

The two Daddies toasted again. But their relaxed vibe was given a rude awakening when Harrison glanced at yet another email from Dean Hoffman.

‘Jesus. This guy’s a Grade-A asshole,’ Harrison said, reading Hoffman’s email. ‘He’s basically trying to overload me with work so that I quit. It’s so fucking obvious what his game is. I’ve only just hit a new groove on my novel and this bastard wants me to spend my time doing another department’s admin work?’

‘Hoffman can swivel,’ Zane said. ‘You do you and let that dork worry about admin. You’re Harrison freakin’ Hawk. This place is lucky to have you on the staff.’

Harrison laughed in appreciation. Zane was a great friend. Truly one of the best men that Harrison had ever met – and someone who Harrison would have loved to see find his own Forever Little to settle down with.

But right now, Harrison had too much going on in his own life to matchmake for Zane. Harrison would however take Zane’s advice… Hoffman could indeed swivel.

Life was about living, having fun, and taking risks.

And with two happy Littles having fun across from them, both Harrison and Zane were happy to keep sinking beers and letting the world turn.

On the way home from the play park, Harrison and Benji had taken a detour through the woodland shortcut. With the leaves crunching underneath their feet, both Harrison and Benji were having the best time together.

‘Weeee! Look at this, Daddy!’ Benji giggled, picking up a big pile of leaves and tossing them right up in the air. ‘Ha-ha! I bet I can cover you in leaves next time!’

‘Don’t you dare, boy!’ Harrison reprimanded, unconvinced that he wanted a pile of leaves falling down on him from a great height. ‘I’m not kidding around either.’

But Harrison could see that Benji was in a mischievous mood.

‘I’m being very serious,’ Harrison continued. ‘You may be in Littlespace, but you still need to listen to what your Daddy tells you. And I am making it absolutely clear that I do not want to be covered in leaves.’

But Benji continued to pick the leaves up and toss them in the air. Judging from the look on his face, Benji knew exactly how bratty and disobedient he was being and wasn’t about to quit any time soon.

With each and every leaf that fell on him, Harrison’s grouchiness was increasing. Something had to be done, and it had to be done fast…

‘Final warning, boy,’ Harrison said, noting that Benji had just picked up an especially plentiful pile of autumnal leaves.

But Benji didn’t heed Harrison’s words. Far from it, in fact. Benji bent down and picked up an even bigger pile of leaves and proceeded to throw them up in the air, directly over Harrison’s head.

That’s enough.

Outdoors and in public or not…

This brat has to learn a lesson!

Harrison wasted no time in grabbing Benji by the arm and marching him over toward a grand old oak tree.

‘Stand still and hold your hands against the trunk,’ Harrison barked. ‘You’re getting a hard spanking right here and now. A spanking you won’t forget either.’