Page 25 of Keep Me Daddy

Benji’s got his own things going on.

He just needs to find a way to make the best of his talent…

Harrison was brought back into the real world from his daydreaming by the sound of a large explosion coming from the television set. Despite the fact that Harrison had seen this movie at least eight times over the last few years, he was always taken aback by how action packed it was.

But just as Harrison was settling back into another helicopter chase, he saw his phone flashing with a message from one of his Daddy friends in the city. It was Michael, and it seemed like news of Harrison’s arrangement with Benji had spread quickly…

MICHAEL: Well, well, well! Who’d have thought it? Harrison Hawk cohabiting with a new boy. I assume you have already put my contract template to good use? But just as importantly… have you broken the paddle out on his butt yet? Jokes aside, I’m happy for you man. We should all get together at The Cuddle Corner next time you’re both in the city. I’m sure your boy would love to meet Sammy and his friends. Have a good night — Michael.

Harrison smiled as he tapped out a quick reply to Michael. They’d known each other since all the way back in Princeford. Michael was a very successful businessman who had an eye for a great deal and the ruthlessness to pull it off.

‘Looks like you’re not waking up any time soon, huh?’ Harrison said, putting his phone down and looking over to a sound asleep Benji. ‘Shame. I could quite easily get myself in the mood for some Daddy and boy fun.’

But as horny as he was, Harrison knew that Benji needed his sleep. The improvements that Benji had seen since getting into this new way of living were already helping him to see things a lot clearer. There was some way for Benji to go before he truly found a better path, but Harrison was determined to stick with him every step of the way.

Harrison paused the movie and carefully picked Benji up and carried him to the bedroom. After a quick tuck-in to make sure that Benji was nice and snug alongside his stuffie, Zozo, it was time for Harrison to head back and finish the movie.

Life was looking up for Harrison.

And although he may not have had rough and tumble fun with Benji that evening, there was always the following morning to look forward to…

Chapter 11


The sun crept into the bedroom and as its morning light hit Benji’s face, his eyes open and he awoke from a truly wonderful night’s sleep.

There was no sign of Harrison, although Benji could hear some rustling and clanging of kitchenware in the distance.

‘Zozo, I think we set a record for a night’s sleep!’ Benji said, sitting up in bed and feeling fresher than a day-old flower. ‘Daddy’s rule about no phones in the bedroom is so great. No blue lights flashing and interrupting our rest. I actually love it!’

Benji was feeling nice and snug in just his briefs. With the large metal radiator along one wall, the room was nice and toasty. Speaking of toast, Benji’s nose picked up a strong scent coming from the kitchen – and it wasn’t a good one!

‘Daddy? Is everything okay?’ Benji called out, springing up and out of bed before running down the hallway toward the kitchen. ‘It smells like… burning!’

Benji came to a sudden stop and couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of Harrison clumsily juggling two slices of badly burned toast while at the same time struggling to balance a large jug of freshly squeezed orange juice.

‘Grrrrr. I don’t know how the hell you do it!’ Harrison said, a sense of real grumpy frustration in his voice. ‘Anyone who says food prep is easy needs to fucking try doing it themselves!’

Benji was rolling about in laughter. Harrison was trying his best, but really wasn’t cut out for this kind of thing. He may have been a one-time bestselling author, but as far as his culinary skills went, Harrison was very much a beginner-novice.

‘Here, let me help!’ Benji said, just about composing himself for long enough to take the burned toast from Harrison and set it down on the kitchen table. ‘Was this for me?’

‘Yup,’ Harrison said, standing with his hands on his hips. ‘Now how about we switch roles? I’ll jump in the shower and you can rustle us up a Benji Special?’

‘Tee-hee! Yes, that does sound like a good idea!’ Benji said, tears still in his eyes from laughing so much.’

‘Enough of the sass though,’ Harrison replied, clearly still flustered from his breakfast disaster. ‘Don’t think because I’m no expert chef that I won’t show you my expertise with the paddle!’

Benji gulped. That sounded scary to him. Taking a spanking was one thing, but a big flat paddle was a whole other level of Daddy-inflicted pain.

It wasn’t long after Harrison had gone for a shower that Benji was putting a selection of fruits together with a soya yoghurt that Harrison had in the refrigerator. A sprinkling of pomegranate seeds was just the perfect addition – and it gave Benji a great idea for a fun new breakfast recipe too.

But just as Benji was busy scribbling down his idea, his eyes were rapidly drawn away from the scrap of paper and toward a hulking, naked Daddy approaching him…

‘D-D-D-D-Daddy! You’ve got no clothes on. And you look… so big,’ Benji stammered, the sight of a nude and aroused Harrison walking toward him proving a highly arresting sight. ‘W-w-w-what’s going on?’

But Harrison wasn’t in the mood for much talking.