Page 24 of Keep Me Daddy

‘Just a little catchphrase!’ Benji giggled, taking a seat at the table. ‘It was the one thing I actually enjoyed about doing all those videos all the time. Having fun with words and being inventive is kinda cool.’

‘Sure is,’ Harrison laughed, thinking of his own experiences as an author. ‘Seeing as we’ve got a few minutes, I think it’s time we had a real talk about what went down between us.’

‘Oh no, is it bad news?’ Benji said, a look of worry on his sweet face. ‘I thought you liked it as much as I did!’

Harrison reached over and ruffled Benji’s hair.

‘Boy, I absolutely loved it,’ Harrison said. ‘We’ve got no worries there. Trust me. No, I mean we need to talk about it and establish some rules, boundaries, and just make sure that we both feel as safe and comfortable as we can. This is still new for both of us, and I want to make sure we take every step we need to.’

Harrison could see that Benji was heeding his words carefully. This was good to see. Sometimes Littles could be way too flaky about setting down ground rules and having serious moments. But Benji was different to the other boys that Harrison had met over the years, that much was obvious to him.

‘Where shall we start?’ Benji said. ‘I’ve never done anything like this before. When I had a Daddy before, he said we didn’t need to bother with stuff like this.’

‘Grrrr. That’s the kind of shit that I can’t stand,’ Harrison said. ‘But don’t worry, I’ll always look after you. Here, sit down next to me and we can go through this contract together.’

Harrison proceeded to open up his laptop and show Benji a Word document that listed various different kinks, plus a space for Benji and him to type out a little bit more information that might be relevant.

In fact, pretty much everything was covered in a way that was both detailed and also simple to understand. After each going through the contract and checking the various kinks they were into, it was time to talk a little bit more about their favorites…

‘I’m too embarrassed!’ Benji giggled. ‘You might think it’s… weird or something?

‘Boy, I command you to speak,’ Harrison said. ‘So, embarrassed or not, you don’t need to worry. You simply have no choice!’

The pair of them laughed. Harrison listened as Benji explained how he had always had a thing for playing with food during sex. It became clear to Harrison that this was something that Benji had spent an awful lot of time thinking about, and yet hadn’t experienced that much of in real life.

‘Don’t worry boy, I’m sure there’s plenty of fun we can have trying it out,’ Harrison said. ‘But I might never look at a banana the same way again!’

‘Daddy!’ Benji squealed with delight, hiding his face behind his fingers. ‘You’re so naughty!’

With the contract promptly signed and saved on Harrison’s laptop, it was also time to eat. It smelled absolutely otherworldly, and as Harrison and Benji brought the various dishes onto the table, it was shaping up to be a wonderful evening.

Over dinner, Harrison also made it clear that as far as he was concerned, this was very much a monogamous relationship. If Benji was his boy, then he wanted Benji to know that he was the only boy in town.

Benji felt the same too and also confirmed that he wouldn’t be doing anything with anyone else.

‘Does this mean I can… officially… call you my Daddy?’ Benji said, a hint of nerves in his voice.

‘Sure does, boy,’ Harrison said in between devouring his perfectly baked caramelized jackfruit. ‘Now, less talk and more eating. We’ve got a movie to watch and a roaring fire that will need tending too.’

As they finished off their meal, Harrison’s mind was briefly flung back to the heartbreak of how things ended with his last Little. But rather than feel worried that the same thing would happen again, Harrison only felt a sense of pure optimism and contentedness flow through him.

Great food, a perfect boy, and now a movie.

What more could a Daddy want?

It turned out that Benji enjoyed the meal and the hot fire so much that he wasn’t able to make it beyond the first fifteen minutes of the movie.

Harrison didn’t mind though.

The feeling of a warm and soft Benji all snuggled up to him on the couch as he watched the action movie play out was just perfect.

The fire was fully loaded with chopped logs and there was more than enough in the black metal wood burner to last for the duration of the movie.

Harrison was enjoying the movie, but he couldn’t prevent his mind from wandering at times. The feelings that Harrison was developing for Benji were real. He could tell that this wasn’t a phase or a passing crush. It was something deeper.

Harrison wasn’t the kind of Daddy who fell in love with every flirty Little he came into contact with. In fact, Harrison would often find that boys annoyed him. They were either too silly or simply didn’t have enough about them to handle his intensity or commitment to his novel writing and teaching.

But this boy is different.