Page 17 of Keep Me Daddy

Benji watched as Harrison strode over towards the Tea Truck and took his place in the queue. Harrison towered above the students, his physically imposing frame even putting some of the football jocks in the shade.

He’s so… sexy.

But this isn’t about that.

This is about doing something good in return for Harrison…

Despite knowing it was against the rules, the sight of Harrison being preoccupied by the queue for the hot drinks was too good to resist. Benji had been itching to look at his cell phone all morning and if he was going to have a chance to do so, now was the window of opportunity.

Benji leant up against a lamppost and turned his body slightly away from Harrison. This was perfect. With Harrison’s view of Benji obscured, he snuck his phone out of his pocket and immediately made a beeline for TikTok, then Instagram and then YouTube.

Because Benji had signed himself out of his accounts, he wasn’t inundated with messages or updates. This meant that he was simply presented with all the latest viral videos. Benji felt very naughty as he looked at the phone – but there would be no consequences as long as Harrison didn’t spot him!

Benji found himself scrolling like a maniac before long. It was like all of the social media he had missed over the last few days was suddenly being uploaded into his brain at a billion miles per hour.

Benji almost felt dizzy with excitement. The fact that he knew he was doing something that was against Harrison’s rules was also probably part of the reason for why he felt so giddy.

‘Oh, shoot!’ Benji said, glancing over toward the queue and seeing that Harrison was in the process of paying for the drinks. ‘Act subtle. Act innocent!’

With one swift move, Benji put his phone back in his pocket and turned to face in the oncoming Harrison’s direction.

Phew. Got away with it.

I feel naughty, but…

What Harrison doesn’t know won’t hurt him!

The rest of the day was pretty relaxing. Benji and Harrison had gone back home to have some quiet time. Harrison spent an hour in his study doing some reading and corresponding with an overseas author. Benji meanwhile opened up a new set of coloring pencils and quietly beavered away doing illustrations of some of his favorite meals being eaten by a series of cuddly bears.

Once Harrison was finished with his work, he changed into his rock-climbing clothes and headed out to meet with his friend Zane. Benji couldn’t help but notice just how athletic Harrison looked. Out of his normal smart suit and trousers, Harrison looked every inch the professional athlete.

Long, strong legs? Yup.

Broad shoulders that looked like they could carry three Littles at once? You bet.

And the fact that Harrison was looking so fit and healthy in his mid-forties was just even hotter as far as Benji was concerned. There was something highly arousing about seeing Harrison in his snug thermal t-shirt and short, looser-fit black shorts.

But as hot as Harrison had looked on his departure, he looked even better upon his return…

‘Harrison! You look… muddy?’ Benji said, bursting out into laughter at the sight of Harrison’s mud splattered legs and face. ‘Did you make a boo-boo and fall off a rock and into a muddy puddle?’

‘Grrrr. No, I certainly did not,’ Harrison said, shaking his head in mock anger. ‘What I did do, was beat Zane at his own game and manage to make several incredibly tricky jumps.’

‘Well done!’ Benji said, full of awe and admiration of this incredibly sexy, rugged man who was standing before him. ‘You could probably beat anyone at anything, if that’s what you wanted. You’re sooooo strong and big.’

Benji felt himself blush. Had he gone too far? How would Harrison feel about him being a little bit on the flirty side?

Suddenly, Benji didn’t know what to say or even where to look.

Harrison looked muddy, sweaty, and his biceps were looking extra-swollen from all the arm work he had done when he was out climbing.

‘Time for me to hop in the shower, boy,’ Harrison said, breaking the tension momentarily. ‘No peeking.’

Benji gasped.

Is Harrison… flirting back?

OMG I don’t know if this is good, bad, or totally insanely great?