Micki nodded, unsure where he was going with this.
“The reason you’re going to this event is to save me from boredom and incipient insanity, so it’s only fair I provide the dress.” His grin was wide and his eyes sparkled.
She wasn’t sure she liked the soap opera analogy but the temptation was severe. “All right, you can pay for the dress but if you don’t mind, I’d love to actually go to the stores on Level A. It’s kind of been a silly dream of mine to be able to walk in and buy whatever I wanted there.” She had in fact gone on a small splurge with her paycheck from one of the bit parts in a trideo, using the entire amount plus a bit more to buy several high-end pairs of shoes and designer accessories. It had been fun but also frustrating because she couldn’t buy the bigger things she coveted. Growing up in the DPRC had left her with a lifelong craving for pretty clothes and soft fabrics and sparkling accents. Probably why she loved the Comettes’ costumes. “But only one dress.”
“Deal.” He held out his hand and she shook.
“No time like the present,” he said, taking her elbow. “I declare rehearsal over for the day.”
“I’m not dressed for shopping,” she said in dismay, checking her rehearsal clothes.
He was undaunted. “Sweetheart, the only thing they’ll care about is the credit balance in my New Switzerland bank account, trust me.”
Level A wasn’t busy at this time of day and Micki began to relax as she walked and no one paid shocked attention to her extremely casual garb. She knew which store she wanted to prioritize and led Josh there. The manager came to greet them as they walked in and Micki was relieved to see it was Caroll, a former Comettes dancer who’d suffered a career ending injury but hadn’t wanted to leave the ship. They were casual friends and Caroll wouldn’t be condescending or judgmental.
She introduced Josh although Caroll was obviously aware of who he was. “We’re attending a charity ball on Dakota Two,” she said, “And I need a dress.”
“We’re honored to be of assistance,” her friend said, ushering them to an alcove which held a couch and a small table. “Can I get you refreshments?”
“Coffee,” Josh said, seating himself.
“I’m fine.” Micki’s nerves were tingling enough as it was. She didn’t need to add caffeine and sugar to her high.
“Did you have anything particular in mind today?”
Licking her lips nervously, Micki said, “Anything by Twilka Zabour.” Twilka was the Sectors most famous dress designer and she’d been salivating over stunning dresses by the incomparable artist for years.
“I think we may have a few suitable numbers to offer.” Carroll gestured for Micki to sit and then she triggered a holographic fashion show. Ten different dresses were presented but Micki had eyes for only one. It was aquamarine, with a fitted bodice and a flowing skirt featuring a thigh high slit, and there were pearls and sequins and crystals in an enticing design on the strapless bodice which drew the eye and accented the curves of the woman wearing it. “I’d like to try this one,” she said, glancing at Josh for approval.
He nodded. “Very nice. Come out and show me if you like it. If not, there are other stores.”
In the dressing room, Micki took off her clothes with unseemly haste and shimmied into the fabulous dress, marveling at how the fabric felt against her skin and how right for her the design was. She admired herself in the mirror, marveling at how the garment transformed her into a different person on the outside. Maeve’s dress had been lovely but this confection was stunning, from another universe. She could handle a roomful of snooty generational billionaires and socialites in this dress. Maybe even Josh’s mother.
“We have the matching shoes,” Caroll offered after assuring Micki she looked stunning and perfectly appropriate for the intended event. “I have them here if you’d like.”
Unable to resist the temptation, especially once she saw the touch of matching trim on the shoes, Micki slid on the stiletto heels. Then she strutted into the store, to the alcove where Josh was perusing messages on his handheld while he waited. At her approach he set the device aside and she knew from the stunned expression on his face this was indeed the right dress. Micki did a spin to make the skirt flare out and ended with, “Well?”
“There are no words,” he said with a stammer. “Charge it and the shoes to my account. We’ll take them.”
“Of course, Mr. Benfield.” Caroll was gracious and upbeat as she escorted Micki back to the dressing room and took the dress to have it put into a garment bag. “Lucky you, honey,” she said to Micki as she bore the dress and shoes away. “I’ll bring this to you in the waiting room.”
Micki got dressed slowly, fighting her conscience. She’d said she would pay for the shoes but the cost would eat up her entire salary from doing ISD. What had happened to her plans for banking the credits? For being sensible and building her nest egg? She sank onto the stool in the dressing room and put her head in her hands. Questioning whether she was doing the right thing, she reminded herself Josh actually wanted her to meet his mother, and probably more important to him, two of his brothers. She had to reflect well on him, didn’t she? Show she could belong in their world?
With the comforting thought, she rushed to join Josh, who was making small talk with Caroll and glancing at his chrono. The dress and shoes were already on the couch in their wrappings and the financial arrangements were concluded so there was no good moment for Micki to carry through on her resolve to pay for the shoes at least. She’d talk to Josh about it later.
Episode four was not going smoothly. The judges were displeased and taking their ire out on everyone, which was a comfort to Micki. She figured they might survive the week if they could do even slightly better than the other couples. The quick dances assigned this week had challenged all the contestants except the older trideo star, who flaunted the fact she’d danced much more complex routines in her heyday. Micki didn’t care if the woman won the night as long as she and Josh didn’t go home. “Be careful,” she said to Josh as they waited to go onstage. “Get through it without stumbling. For space sake, don’t fall.”
“Relax.” He glanced at her and winked. “This isn’t my best routine but I’ll charm them with my earnest demeanor and my partner will dazzle them as usual.”
There was thunderous applause for the trideo star, who’d completed her routine in triumphant style.
“We’re next,” Micki said unnecessarily.
The AD gestured for them to take their places as the commercial break ran.
Micki couldn’t ever remember being this nervous about a dance. Josh was the picture of cool in his black and white check suit and a jaunty hat. She had a pink dress with a big flirty skirt and an annoying bow practically stapled to her head. This time period was not her favorite. She glanced at her feet and the shiny dance shoes and the dorky ruffled ankle socks.
The co-host did their intro. The music started.