“No, I didn’t think it would. Why is Benfield going to take more interest in the camps in the future? Because of this?”
“No, because you took me there and showed me the potential. I saw the same potential Kumisarc did, thanks to you, but I want it to be a win/win situation for the displaced people and for Benfield. I’ve set up a tiger team to analyze the situation and recommend ways to achieve the outcomes I envision.”
Micki’s jaw had dropped. “I knew you were doing the dance scholarship for Freia and taking care of her family, but I had no idea you were going to tackle the entire problem. That’s amazing.”
“It’ll be slow and no doubt frustrating. This whole issue is an entrenched problem but we’ll identify entry points and do what we can.” He checked his wrist chrono. “I need to set up a secure com with the guy in charge of our investigative arm and get him rolling on this Kumisarc problem. Do you mind?”
“Please, go ahead. I’ve got to work on your next dance, which seems trivial compared to the DPRC issues but it’s what we’re in the middle of.” Struck by a new worry, Micki gasped. “How are we going to act natural around Kumisarc at the next show?”
“As if we know nothing about any of this,” Josh said firmly. “Luckily neither of us likes him and he hates me, so all we have to do is continue acting standoffish. No problem there.”
The answer made sense to her and truthfully she was relieved to be out of the loop on the unfolding mess Denzin had told her about. Interstellar crime and politics were way above her head. It would be a relief to concentrate on nothing but the next dance. Let the experts and Josh handle things.
Three days later she was in the rehearsal room, trying yet again to simplify the damn dance so Josh wouldn’t trip over his own feet. He had a mental block going on when it came to the steps. She’d come in early to work on it and he was due to join her any minute. Now that a few contestants had been eliminated booking the rehearsal space wasn’t so hard.
She took a break, sitting on the floor and drinking an energy ration. Dinner last night with Tass and Liam had turned out great. In fact it had been fun. Josh wore his version of casual clothes, and insisted on bringing a bottle of wine as a gift. The evening had been stilted at the beginning but he was charmingly able to put her friends at ease. Tass cooked a pasta dish she said was her favorite since childhood and with the bread and sides she’d ordered from the ship’s food services, the meal was filling and delicious. Josh and Liam found a mutual interest in tisba and spent much of the time debating the merits of various teams and debating who might win the Sectors Championship this year. The two men favored opposing clubs and made a small wager on the big game.
After dinner the two couples sat in the small living room and binge watched the latest episodes of the Carovintonns soap opera, making snarky comments about the new plot line recently written into the trideo, where two of the billionaire leads were competing in a dance competition. Josh insisted he was better than either of the actors, which Micki and Tassia hotly contested, pointing out the actors were also professionally trained dancers.
“I hate to break it to you,” Tassia had said with a smile, “But if you were in this competition in the show, you’d lose.”
“I’d be the fan favorite though,” Josh said confidently with a wink at Micki. He took another handful of the salty snack mix Liam had brought out and then a swig of his beer.
“You’re always my favorite,” Micki said, squeezing his arm and ignoring the way her friends exchanged meaningful looks.
At the end of the evening she and Josh had gone to his suite and made love for hours.
Pretty much a perfect night. With a sigh Micki had to admit it was unlikely ever to be repeated. When Josh was free of the ISD and back in his own world, he wouldn’t have time or probably the desire to kick back with the likes of her friends and drink feelgoods and criticize the latest trideo soap opera. She had to giggle at the mere idea. The Nebula Zephyr was its own world, not the real world.
Which was undoubtedly why all her previous romances had come to bad ends.
Counting this week’s dance she had four weeks of competition left to enjoy being involved with Josh Benfield. Not that he’d said anything about ending their relationship but he didn’t have to, did he? It was obvious.
Josh walked in, whistling the tune they were performing to. He dropped his bag and came to her, pulling her off the floor and into his arms. “Hello, gorgeous. Ready to make me into the best dancer in this damn place?”
“I’ll settle for getting through the routine with no stumbles. We’d better warm up before we tackle the extra tricky middle section.”
They did a few exercises side by side and then Micki added music and rehearsal started in earnest. She was teaching him the dance in tiny bites, much as she had with her young pupils in the camp and she was seeing progress. Would he be ready in a few more days?
“I have a surprise,” he said when he took a break. “Last night we visited your friends and now I want you to come with me to one of my typical events.”
“What do you mean?”
“There’s a huge charity ball on Dakota Two during the time frame we’ll be in orbit there,” he said. “My mother and two of my brothers are actually flying in to attend. I have to be there because the Benfield Corporation is a major sponsor. I’m giving a speech. I want you to come with me.”
Her mind going a lightyear a minute, considering the ramifications of this invitation, Micki stared at him. “Are you serious? You want me to meet your family?”
“It’s not the privilege you may be assuming,” he said with a grin. “I told you what my mother is like. My brothers are good guys though. Please say you’ll go—I’ve suffered through so many of these damn things over the years and having you there will make it endurable. I can’t wait to hear your impressions.”
“I suppose I could wear the green dress Maeve made me for the interview,” she said slowly, knowing it was completely wrong for a billionaire-socialite event like a charity ball but it was all she had. At least it was simple and elegant.
He shook his head. “I want you to outshine every other woman there. If what you said was a yes, then we need to go shopping. I’ve been told the stores here on the ship only carry the finest haute couture and upscale accessories. It’ll be my treat. In fact, to hell with this damn dance. Let’s go back to the suite now and I’ll have the shop bring in dresses for you to try.”
“I’m not sure I’m comfortable having you pay for my dress,” she said slowly.
“If we were in the convoluted soap opera you got me to watch last night and the producers called for a charity ball scene, they’d provide the wardrobe, right?”