They broke apart as Level A arrived and exited into the corridor, where luckily no one was around. With a carefree laugh, Micki pulled him toward the door of his suite and they were kissing again as the portal opened in response to his touch. They almost fell into the room, tongues dancing, holding each other close and the door closed smoothly behind them.

“Hey, boss, I’ve got the conference call—” Sydni’s voice heralded her entry into the room from the kitchenette area. She stopped dead on the threshold and stared as Josh and Micki broke apart.

Josh guided Micki to the couch and turned to face his assistant. “No work tonight, Sydni. Take the evening off. I’ll let you know in the morning when I’m ready to talk to the McKansion board about the buyout.”

“But I’ve got the files right here and there are a few issues we should go over,” she said.

Now he was irritated and concerned Micki might decide to leave if Sydni kept pressing. The suspicion dawned on him that might be exactly what his assistant was trying to accomplish. “You can leave the files. I’m taking the night off, as I believe I said once already. I loathe repeating myself so go have fun on this luxury cruise liner and we’ll pick up on the deal tomorrow.”

Sydni eyed him as if trying to decide whether she had any room to protest further. Whatever she saw on his face must have been convincing because she set the data file on the nearest table and walked to the door. “McKansion may walk if we don’t sign tonight.”

“Let them. Plenty of other stars in the galaxy.” Josh watched her leave and raised his voice. “Ship, revoke all access to my suite effective immediately except for ship’s personnel as required and invited guests identified by me.”

“Of course, Passenger Benfield. Your dinner and the requested feelgood are arriving in two minutes. Have a pleasant evening.” Maeve was crisp and efficient as always.

“Well you were a bit harsh,” Micki said with a smile. “Sydni did kind of act like she owned the place though.”

He sat beside her, drawing her onto his lap, where there’d be no mistaking how he felt and what he wanted.

She wriggled, answering his unspoken statement with one of her own. Looping her arms around his neck and raising her face to his, she asked, “Am I ship’s crew or an invited guest tonight?”

“A highly desired and invited guest,” he said, nuzzling her neck and inhaling the scent of her, which traveled straight to his cock. “And all pleasure, not business.”

“Making a guarantee?” Her laugh was low and throaty and he captured her lips, demanding entry and plundering her mouth because he couldn’t get enough of her. All the sexual tension and desire which had been building in him since they started dancing together was exploding tonight and Josh wasn’t sure he could wait much longer to take her to bed.

The chime of the portal sounded and reluctantly he set her aside on the couch. “That’ll be dinner and the champagne.”

Micki leaned against the tasseled cushions. “To toast to us.”

“Absolutely, partner.” Josh hastened to let the serving robo enter and deposit the items he’d ordered on the table. He was already popping the champagne bottle open as the robo departed. He wasted no time in pouring two glasses of the sparkling drink and carrying them to where Micki waited. “I won’t tell you how high end this stuff is— the price is outrageous. Nothing but the best for you tonight.”

“I’ll be the judge of what’s best for me,” she said, taking the glass and giving him a sultry look over the rim. “To us and our first win.”

“And the perfect scores.” Josh clinked glasses with her and drank. Champagne wasn’t his favorite liquid feelgood but it was the cliché for this kind of celebration and Micki seemed pleased, which was his sole aim for the evening.

“I’m breaking one of my big rules, you know,” she said, setting the glass on the table and drawing him closer again.

“Which one? No socializing with your dance partner?”

Micki considered. “Hmmm, maybe I’m breaking two rules then. No, I decided not to ever date another tisba player after my last disaster with one.”

Josh roared with genuine amusement. “I haven’t played tisba since I graduated from college a decade or so ago. I think you’re safe with me. It’s not my primary occupation, you know.” He sensed the insecurity under her teasing and added, “I’m not going to hurt you, Micki.”

“Sweet of you to say so now but it’s not entirely in your control.” She seemed a little sad, which sent a twinge to his heart. But this was a fling, temporary and she knew it, didn’t she? They could be together while he was in the competition and then he’d have to go back to his world of cutthroat interstellar business. The idea stung and took the edge off his happy mood. Thinking too far ahead.

He gathered her close. “More champagne? Dinner?”

Looping her arms around his neck, which resulted in her breasts pressing against his chest, she shook her head. “Dessert first, I think.”

Not waiting to hear another word, he kissed her soundly and then rose to his feet with her in his arms. Heading for the bedroom, he said, “If I’m reading the situation wrong, just say no.”

“You’re a good reader,” she murmured, feathering tiny kisses on his neck. “And a good dancer. We’ll see what other things you’re good at.”

Josh proceeded to demonstrate in no uncertain terms how good he was at removing her clothes and then his own and they lay together on the bed. He fondled her ample breasts, which delighted him with their pillowy softness and took one nipple between his fingers, massaging until the peak was hard and then he lowered his head to suckle. She wrapped herself around him and his aching manhood lay in the vee of her legs. Micki reached between them to circle his shaft with her fingers, confidently stroking him from root to tip. She continued to caress and tease his cock and balls while he explored her luscious body.

Sliding his hand over her stomach, he parted the curls at the vee of her legs, gave the tiny hidden bundle of sensitive nerves a caress and then inserted one finger between her folds, absurdly pleased to find her hot and wet for him. Unable to resist he changed position so he could bring his tongue to bear and lapped up the intoxicating taste of her while she clutched his shoulders and wriggled against the pressure and sensations he was stoking.

“Josh, I want you inside,” she said, panting, cheeks flushed, eyes bright. “Now.”