“Your command is my desire,” he said, taking himself in hand and lining the tip of his erection up at the entrance to her silken core. She was so ready for him that he slid deep with one thrust and Micki arched to take every inch of him. A moan had him pausing and brushing the hair off her face with one hand as he stared into her eyes. “All right?”

“Damn near perfect,” she said breathlessly. “You’re filling me up, stretching me in the best ways.” As the words left her lips, Micki clenched her dancer’s muscles around his shaft and now it was Josh’s turn to groan in pleasure.

“Keep doing those moves and this will be a short ride,” he said, struggling to hold off the demands of his body.

“This is only the first part of the dance,” she said, moving her hips in a circular motion beneath him. “Much more later.”

“Promise?” He kissed her and then began thrusting with intent, his climax driving him to be buried balls deep in her silken heat. He came, the release a powerful, wondrous sensation of joy and carnal fulfillment mixed with intense caring for this woman beneath him. He was grateful to feel and hear her reaching her climax as well. Usually he was a considerate lover, ensuring he and his partner reached fulfillment but Micki had driven him to distraction as no other woman ever had. Luckily they were as well matched in bed as they were on the dance floor.

Then the ecstasy was over and they lay wrapped around each other. Josh was reluctant to let go. Usually he had no trouble leaving the bed and the woman behind—he never let his emotions get involved—but Micki was different. She mattered to him in a way none of the women in his own world of billionaires and socialites ever had or probably could. She was genuine. He hugged her tight.

Micki responded to his unusual flood of emotion with sweet kisses and before he quite knew what happened, they were well on their way to a second round of much more leisurely coupling.

“Dinner may go to waste entirely,” he whispered in her ear.

“Midnight supper maybe,” she said with the laugh he loved. “I’m not done with you. I may never be done with you.”

Her teasing comment unsettled him and he flipped her over, raising her delightful rear so he could take her from behind. Micki seemed surprised but made no comment and was as enthusiastic about what they were doing as she’d been about everything else they’d shared. This time when they finished they lay spooned together, sated and drowsy. Josh had no energy and no desire to leave the bed and Micki. He certainly wasn’t hungry. Forcing himself to be the gentleman, he asked, “Shall I bring the food in here? Dinner in bed?”

“Let me sleep a little first—you wore me out. If you’re hungry though please go ahead and eat.”

“I can’t leave you here alone,” he said, kissing her neck and then her shoulder. “You might get cold and we can’t have that.”

She scooted closer, kissed him and then closed her eyes, using him as a pillow. “You can wake me in half an hour.”


But he didn’t. What finally woke her was the insistent shrilling of her handheld from the other room. Cursing under her breath Micki glanced at Josh, sound asleep and taking up more of the bed than he was entitled to, and crawled out from under the covers. She rushed to find the com and answered it sleepily.


“Where the seven hells are you?” It was Eddie the showrunner and he was livid, practically shouting. “You and your celebrity partner are supposed to be here on the set in fifteen minutes for the morning after winner’s interview with Galaxy Gossip and Entertainment Insider. They’re waiting in fact. You’d better arrive with hair and makeup done.” The com ended abruptly and Micki sagged onto the couch. “Oh shit.”

“Problem?” Josh was adorable with his hair all tousled and his lean, muscular body and morning erection were enticing.

“We’re in so much trouble. We have to be on set now for the morning interviews.” She couldn’t believe she’d slept through the night but they had been vigorous and inventive in their lovemaking, after dancing full out earlier. “Get dressed, make yourself presentable.” With despair she remembered her crumpled clothing on the floor, not suitable at all for going into interviews with major media outlets.

“What are you going to do?” he asked. “I’m not doing the interviews without you. The interviewers will have to wait.”

“I can’t think,” she said with desperation. “You take care of your own situation. I’m going to the bathroom.”

Micki fled to the second bathroom, closing the door and staring at herself in the large, gilded mirror. Even with the friendly lighting her face appeared tired. “What in the seven hells am I going to do?” Doing the walk of shame in the crew quarters corridor was one thing and there might not even be many people around if she was lucky, but doing the walk of shame on interstellar entertainment media was not happening. But she was contractually required to do the interviews with Josh. There was no time to go to her own quarters, refresh and grab clothes.

“Is there a problem, Dancer Allwell?” Maeve asked from thin air.

“I’m totally screwed,” Micki said. “And it’s my own fault. I don’t suppose you can do magic? Because that’s what it would take right now to save my ass from terminal embarrassment.”

“I might have learned a thing or two from the Mellureans,” Maeve said with a hint of a chuckle, referring to the ancient alien race. “You have to be on camera in an interview in twelve minutes, right?”

Not surprised the AI had put together the pieces of what was going on, Micki held back tears and nodded.

“Get in the refresher. By the time you emerge I’ll send what you need to the suite via one of my robos. No problem. Go!”

Micki jumped, startled. She couldn’t imagine what Maeve could do for her but definitely a short stint in the refresher was required, even if she did have to wear her casual clothes from last night. A few minutes later, she left the bathroom wrapped in one of the courtesy bathrobes the CLC Line provided for Level A passengers, enjoying the plush fabric against her skin. There had been a complimentary brush, toothbrush and other basic amenities in the bathroom and she now felt fresh and revitalized. As she walked into the main room, she found Josh opening the portal to admit one of the delivery robos.

He was fully dressed and looked wonderful as always. “I didn’t order anything.”

“Maeve said she’d send me what I needed. It’ll come out of my salary, don’t worry, I’d never charge anything to you.” Micki sent a prayer to the Lords of Space and rushed to the package as the robo left. The container opened itself and she took out a beautiful floaty dress in a sea green color perfect with her eyes and hair and underneath was a pair of strappy sandals to match, earrings and a statement bracelet. At the bottom was an insta makeup kit, which ordinarily Micki wouldn’t use but today was desperation time.