Page 24 of Twenty-four Three

“Yes, dear?”

“Next time he calls, how about you don’t answer? I don’t need pressure from him and you for me to give Tevin another chance.”

“Promise me you’ll answer when he reaches out and I’ll see.”

“Fine, I’ll answer but no promises on whether or not I’m willing to give him another chance.”

“Then I won’t answer if he calls me or bother you about the topic again, deal?”


McKenna groaned and ended the call with her mother, staring at her bedroom door. Had this been a week or even a few days ago, she wouldn’t have been conflicted about Tevin. She still shouldn’t have been because the reason for her confusion was a handsome stranger who’d forced his way in her life. No matter how handsome he was, he was dangerous and not what she needed in her world—her very simple and predictable world. But she couldn’t help entertaining the what ifs.

Tucking the thought away she lifted from the bed and decided to start the day. After quickly crossing the hallway, she peeked in the spare room and frowned, noticing the bed was empty. She glanced at the bathroom and the light was off, door open. McKenna stood silently for a minute listening until a deep voice at the end of the hall startled her.

“Looking for me?”

She threw her hand against her chest and turned to face Carter who was dressed in the same clothes from the night before, sweats and a bare chest. From what she had seen he had more items in the duffle someone had delivered but she was beginning to wonder if they’d forgotten to send shirts or if he simply had an aversion to them like she had one to pants. Her eyes roamed the cut of his muscles flexing beneath beautiful brown skin before she decided to respond.

“No, it’s early. You should be asleep so why would I be looking for you?”

“I was asleep, but your voice woke me. This house is small as shit.”

“Were you listening to my call?”

“Not intentionally. I was heading back to my room to make myself presentable and heard you talking. But like I said, your house is small as shit so before you go accusing me of purposely invading your privacy, I wasn’t.”

She cringed, remembering the conversation with her mother, praying he hadn’t heard all of it. “You don’t have to be here in my small as shit house. You do realize that, don’t you?” she said with a smile.

Carter watched as McKenna moved toward him, dipping under his arm since he was blocking the entrance that led to the kitchen and living room. He also found himself slightly disappointed that she was wearing pants.

“I thought we covered this last night. You like me being here.”

“I tolerate you being here.” He chuckled and joined her in the kitchen, trapping McKenna between his body and the refrigerator with a carton of eggs in her hand. She clutched them to her chest when his hand splayed over her stomach, forcing her back to his chest.

“Tolerating? Is that what this is?” He kissed her neck and pushed his hand down her stomach, cupping her pussy under his palm. She gasped and exhaled a short breath.

“You invest too much time on the weight of your dick game. The sex was good but there’s more to life than making a woman cum, Carter.”

He kissed her neck and stepped back, grinning at how flushed she was. McKenna inhaled slow breaths to calm the havoc he’d created within her body before turning to face him. “Last night you said it was ehhhh, today I’m good.”

She narrowed her eyes and rolled them shortly after. “You know I was just talking shit but if you need me to pamper your very fragile ego, that…” She pointed out his crotch. “Is one of your best qualities.”

He chuckled and leaned against the counter, watching her crack eggs and dump the contents in a bowl. “And what are your ex’s best qualities?”

“You seriously have no shame, do you?”

“With most things no but be more specific, Kenni.”

“Are you asking me questions about a conversation you had no business listening to?”

Carter smirked and shrugged. “We’re friends, right? Don’t friends discuss shit like that? Maybe I can help you decide whether or not you should give him another chance.”

Even though he spoke with amusement, the idea that she might consider giving her ex another chance annoyed him but unfairly so.

“Are you going to discuss your exes or current girlfriends with me?”

“I would, but neither apply. I’m about my money and women tend to complicate my ability to keep it flowing.”