Page 23 of Twenty-four Three

“I’m not a child,” McKenna grumbled.

“You sound like one,” her mother shot back, her tone amused.

“If you called to ruin my day off then I’ll hang up now.”

Her mother exhaled a sigh. “That’s not why I called, sweetheart. I called because I want you to be happy.”

“And saying I’m childish is making me happy how?” McKenna grinned. She loved her mother and her mother loved her that much more.

“It’s making you realize that you should maybe consider being an adult about your relationship with Tevin. All you do is work. You don’t have a life…”

“I have a life.”

“Yeah? It’s your day off, what are your plans? Wait, don’t tell me, you’ll order junk food, binge watch shows that you’ve missed while you work those twelve hour shifts, and if you’re feeling inspired, you might clean a little which I’m not all that opposed to. I’m sure your place could use a good cleaning since all you do is work.”

McKenna smiled wider. “What’s wrong with any of those things? Especially the cleaning. Isn’t that your sole mission in life, to keep a clean home?” It was McKenna’s turn to tease her mother who quickly shot back, “A clean house facilitates a clear mind.”

“My mind is clear; my house is somewhat tidy.”

“That’s not the point. You care about Tevin and he cares about you…”

“He cares about his job more or we wouldn’t have taken a break.”

“He’s a doctor for God’s sake, cut the man some slack. He’s saving lives.”

“I’m well aware he’s a doctor, Mother. Let’s not forget, I was the one in a part-time relationship with the man because he’s saving lives. I honor what he does but I also value my happiness. I can’t come second to his career and sure that may sound selfish but it’s not fair to me. That’s not what I want.”

“He’s taking a position at Mount Sinai Medical Center. Something about accepting fewer cases so that he can balance his personal priorities.”

“He… Wow. He told you that?”

“He did. He also told me that it’s the first step in making things right with you.”

“It’s not about me.”

“It is, McKenna. Tevin misses you. He realizes what he lost and he wants to try and make things work. Just answer when he calls. Talk to him. I’m not saying you have to give him another chance but I know you care.”

“Did care…” McKenna said softly.

“It doesn’t go away, not overnight. If he calls, hear him out. You decide what you want but at least consider the possibility.”

McKenna glanced at her bedroom door. “I’ll think about it. And for the record, doctor or garbageman, if he can’t find time to make me a priority then I refuse to make him one.”

“I agree because you deserve to be someone’s priority. I’ll let you go, sweetheart.”

“Wait, don’t you want to catch up? See how I’m doing, all that good stuff? Or did you just call to convince me to give Tevin another chance?”

“We just caught up. Work is good, you’re enjoying your day off and you’ll possibly be considering giving Tevin another chance. What else is there?” her mother responded animatedly.

“Nothing I guess. I love you and I’ll call soon because lord knows you only call me when you want to be a pain in my ass.”

“We have our routine. No sense in disrupting things after all these years. Your father said to tell you hello and that he loves you.”

“Tell Dad I love him too.”

“Will do.”

“Oh and Mom…”