“That’s not a good enough reason to disown and murder your own child.”

“For him…” Gahigi’s eyes moved past Carter to the bed. “It was. Loyalty and respect are everything. Keza betrayed him by telling Shadow. Shadow was disloyal for loving his daughter. When they ran, they cost him money, embarrassed him in front of his own men. How do you lead when you don’t own the loyalty of the men you control? What’s simple to you was not for him.”

“You didn’t know?”

“No.” Gahigi’s eyes darkened. “If I had, I would have been the one with his blood on my hands. He’s done a lot of terrible things. Most of them I’ve disagreed with but I am his son. He is…was my father. I showed loyalty and respect because that was my duty but had I known about Keza…” His gaze softened before the darkness was back. “She was my sister.”

“Why should I believe that you’re any different from him?”

“Because if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be here.” Carter frowned and he added, “I’m the one who told her about the deal my father brokered for Shadow. He was my friend. She was my sister. She loved him and even if I didn’t feel them being together was a good idea, it was what she wanted. I didn’t know they would run for sure, but I’m glad they did.”

“He still killed her,” Carter said, the words heavy on his tongue.

Gahigi nodded. “But she had a life that never would have happened if she would have stayed and obeyed his wishes. She lived the way she wanted. She had you.”

Instead of responding, Carter walked past his uncle to leave. He now had the answers he wanted, but it changed nothing. Gahigi spoke once more before Carter stepped through the opening he’d entered moments before. “Do you know who we are?”

Carter paused his steps and glanced at Gahigi over his shoulder. “Are you threatening me?”

“Killing my father is not going to be received well by a lot of people. I’m giving you my word that no one will ever find out who killed him.”

“I don’t give a fuck who you tell,” Carter asserted with confidence and Gahigi smiled proudly.

“You are your father’s son.” His eyes met Carter’s when he added, “I’m giving you my word that no one will know. I’m also offering you what’s rightfully yours. A place with us.”

Leadership in Angels of Death.

Carter’s first and only thought was of McKenna. She was already sacrificing enough by being with him. He wouldn’t make things worse by connecting her to their organization. “I don’t want any of this shit. Do whatever you need to.”

“We’re family. You can deny me, but I will never deny you. I failed your mother. I will not fail you.”

Carter didn’t respond, he walked away with the weight of knowing that killing Gatete hadn’t given him the peace he expected and neither did having answers about why his parents died. But at least now, he could let the ghost of his past rest peacefully and focus on his future.




“Just tell me what the fuck I did and I’ll make it right. This, whatever you’re doing, isn’t necessary.”

This guy wouldn’t shut the fuck up and it annoyed Carter to no end. Men like him were why he preferred killing criminals. Their arrogance wouldn’t allow them to talk as much as this guy.

Jace Mitchell was a seven-figure business owner who had enough money to pay his way into or out of whatever he found himself in. He bought people on a regular basis, which offered a false sense of security that everyone had a price. Most did. Carter did not.

“You can’t make it right, Jace. If that were the case, you would have already done so and I wouldn’t be here.” Carter removed a second gun from his waistband and slid it across the table. It stopped in front of Jace. His eyes lowered to the gun then lifted again. Carter smirked at the confusion in his stare.

“What’s that for?”

“You’re going to use it.”

“You want me to shoot you?”

“No, you’re going to shoot yourself,” Carter stated calmly. Jace tensed and he pulled against the zip tie on his left wrist that secured him to the chair Carter had forced him into at gunpoint.

“You’ve got to be out of your gotdamn mind. I’m not going to shoot myself.”

“You are.”