“Whoever sent you, tell them to fuck off and I’ll double, triple, whatever they’re paying you.”

Carter exhaled a sigh and shook his head.

And there it is.

Reality settled in that he was a piece of shit who lived his life with the understanding that there were people who would send someone like Carter to collect his very dark and rotten soul.

“I don’t want your money.”

He scoffed in arrogance. “You want money or you wouldn’t be here. How much will it cost for you to let me go and tell me who sent you so I can return the favor?”

“Take the gun, Jace.”

He blinked and frowned. Money was his go to. That wasn’t working.

“I have a wife…”

“Who you cheat on repeatedly and do terrible things to when she calls you on your shit. Acknowledging her existence is not helping your case.”

“I don’t know what you think you know about me…”

“I know she’s the reason why I’m here.”

“That bitch,” he growled. “I’m gonna fucking murder her. Whatever she told you is a lie.”

“You have cameras everywhere in this house, Jace. Men like you who do the things you do feel safe when you can see everything around you. You want to know when men like me are going to show up and make you pay for your sins. She’s not lying. I’ve seen what you’ve done to her. I’ve also seen the sick shit you’re into.”

His eyes flickered with recognition and Carter pointed to the gun. “Either you do it or I will. And if I have to do it, it’s going to be a lot worse than you being man enough to end your miserable existence.”

He swallowed thickly several times and his eyes darted around the kitchen. There wasn’t anything or anyone who could save him. He would still consider his options and make this night longer than Carter wanted it to be but the end result would be Carter killing him. His wife paid enough to ensure the job was completed, but the plan was to make Jace pull the trigger.

Suicide the night before his dirty secrets were anonymously leaked to the news made sense. No one would question Jace’s untimely death. Men like him didn’t do well with the threat of prison. There would also be a paper trail exposing that Jace was being blackmailed for those secrets. It wasn’t true.

Carter set things up to appear that way but no one but Carter and Jace’s wife would know the truth. She wouldn’t say a word. Carter guaranteed her silence by making sure that if she did talk, everything she shared would all lead back to her. Besides, she’d never met him nor could she identify anything connected to Carter to her or her husband. So he didn’t care whether or not she talked.

“Can we just…”

“No,” Carter stated bluntly before he removed a syringe and knife from his pocket. “That’s filled with Suxamethonium, it will cause paralysis. You won’t be able to move but you will feel everything I do to you and what I plan to do with that knife…” Carter smirked and tapped the folded serrated blade knife. “It won’t be pretty. Take the easy out, Jace. You’re not man enough to survive the ways I will make you suffer for keeping me here longer than I planned.”

“I-I… don’t wanna die.”

Carter angled his head to the side. “Most people don’t. It’s the one inevitability in life that most people can’t reconcile in their minds. Everyone dies. How it happens is often out of our control but you get a choice. Quick and easy…” Carter motioned to the gun on the table with his own. “Or long and painful.” He motioned to the syringe and knife. “You’re going to die but I’m giving you a choice.”

When Jace didn’t respond, Carter’s eyes shined with amusement. “If you need a little incentive. Here’s a preview of what happened to the last man who chose wrong.”

He removed a phone from his pocket and pulled up the video of Alvin Jordan. Alvin wasn’t granted a choice but Jace didn’t need to know that. Not even a minute into the video, Jace picked up the gun with a trembling hand and Carter smirked.

“Smart man.”

Jace held the gun to his temple with his free hand. His eyes kept darting to Carter before he tried again.

“I’ll give you whatever you want. Anything, just name it.”

“You don’t have anything I want.”

“I have money. I’ll give you…”

Carter sighed, lifted his gun, and aimed it at Jace. “I don’t want your money, Jace. I want you to pull the fucking trigger so that I can go home and fuck my wife.”