“To keep you safe.”

“It didn’t work.”

“I know, which is why you’re here now.”

“Is that the only reason?”

“The most important, but no, not the only reason.”

“Give me one more.”

“Time is precious, Kenni. You can’t get that back when you piss away an opportunity to make a beautiful woman feel appreciated.” He winked and her cheeks warmed with the memory of him delivering that same line months ago.

When he noticed her blushing he added, “See, it’s already paying off.”

“Is Kohen like you?”

“I’m one of a kind, McKenna,” Carter stated arrogantly.

She realized the use of her name insinuated that he was jealous. She reached across the table and grabbed a wing off his plate. “I’m aware, but I’m only asking because I like his wife. They seem happy and if he’s like you…”

Then this could work.

She was barely in his world and realized how uncharacteristically different being with Carter would be. He was one of a kind and so different from anything McKenna had ever experienced. As much as she wanted a life with Carter, she needed the comfort of knowing that a life with him was possible.

“He is and they are.”

She wanted to ask about his parents but decided not to broach the subject now. She hadn’t yet decided if she wanted answers to the questions circulating in her head so she took another route.

“What happened to being a responsible criminal?”

Carter’s eyes bored into hers, serious and all consuming. “You happened. Now eat.”

“Why are we at McCall’s? They don’t open until eight.”

Carter glanced at McKenna as he navigated his Ferrari SF90 into a spot next to one of his vans.

“You come here a lot?” He was very familiar with Kyon McCall as well as his club and not just because Kyon was a client. The pills and other drugs that flowed freely though Kyon’s establishment were talked about in certain crowds. Kyon himself wasn’t necessarily a problem but some less than reputable people frequented his club. Carter was curious if McKenna had an edgy, less refined side he wasn’t aware of.

“A lot, no, but I’ve been a few times with a friend.”

“What kind of friend?” he questioned casually, but was ready to make sure that friend no longer had access to McKenna if necessary.

“A she.” McKenna smirked, sensing his irritation. “Drea. We work together, this is one of her favorite places.”

“You know what goes down in there?”

She rolled her eyes. “We don’t come for that. The vibe is cool, the performances are always on point, and the deejay is one of the best in the city.”

He nodded with a jerk of his chin. “Come on.”

They both exited the car and Carter approached the van just as two women yanked the doors open and got out.

“What’s CRCC?” McKenna pointed to the logo on the side.

“Carter Reed Commercial Cleaners.”

“That’s yours?” Her voice held a hint of surprise.