
She didn’t have time to ask another question because Carter began addressing the two women. McKenna noticed how both took her in curiously but not in a malicious way. Their inspection was laced with intrigue.

“What’s going on, Zee?”

“We’ve been waiting for an hour. No one was here to let us in. I called the manager and didn’t get an answer.”

“This happen before?”

“No, first time ever. She usually arrives before we do and we’ve never had to wait.” She paused and glanced at her watch. “We’re gonna be behind because of this.”

“Hang on, let me make a call.”

Carter stepped away and removed his phone. After he found the contact for Ky, he got him on the line. It was just after two in the afternoon but Kyon sounded as if he was just coming out of a deep sleep.


“Yo, Ky, this is Carter.”

“What’s up?”

“You tell me. My people have been here at McCall’s for an hour, waiting on someone to let them in. Your manager was a no show.”

“Damn, for real?”

“Yeah, man, and you’re fucking up their schedule. You need to get someone over here or they’re gonna head out.”

“Fuck. That’s not like her. I’mma hit her up and I’ll send you to code to the side entrance. You can let your people in and if I can’t find Jermyia, I’ll head that way.”


“I can disable it from here.”

“You staying with them?”

Carter glanced at McKenna. “Nah, I have shit to do but you can trust them.”

“Aight, sending the code now and my bad. Like I said, this is not like her. Something must be up.”

“It’s a first, so you’re good. Just don’t let it happen again.”

“’Preciate that.”

Carter ended the call and approached his people. “He’s about to send me the code to the side door. You can go in there and do your thing. Don’t touch shit you’re not supposed to.”

Zee nodded. “We don’t get down like that, C.”

His phone vibrated with a text message from Kyon, stating he’d disarmed the alarm and the code to get in. Carter handed over the information to Zee, waited until they were inside, and headed back to his car.

“That was….” McKenna glanced at the van as they backed out of the spot. “Interesting.”

Carter chuckled, cutting his eyes at her. “Interesting how?”

“You have a commercial cleaning company. What are they cleaning?”

“Bathrooms, offices, the main area.”

“That’s it?” She arched a brow and he grinned, understanding what she was insinuating.