Carter nodded in understanding and grinned. “You comparing your father’s finances to what I do?”

“No, not at all. I’m comparing how my mother loved my father enough to always let him feel like a man—because he was, even when he doubted himself—to how I plan on being the same with you. I don’t give a damn what anyone outside our home thinks because the only opinion that matters is mine. We’ll have secrets attached to us but never between us.”

“It’s my job to protect you, not the other way around.”

She shook her head gently. “We take care of each other.” McKenna smiled slowly, leaning into Carter. “And you can take care of me right now...”

She felt his dick expand beneath her while his fingers dug into her hips and her smile spread more. She knew his thoughts were not where hers were at the moment.

“Take care of me by ordering us some dinner.”

“You really gonna be grinding all up on me then asking for food and not dick.”

“Yep.” She leaned back and lifted the electronic device the hotel provided in the suite to order food and schedule services.

“You ain’t shit.”

“Remember you said that when it’s time to show you what’s in my bag.” McKenna grinned as she kept her eyes on the device and began navigating to the menus when she added, “I’m not wearing my expensive lingerie but I did bring it.”

The low growl that rumbled from his chest had McKenna’s smile surfacing again but the way her stomach was tied in knots? She wasn’t changing the plan. Food was her only priority at the moment.



“You disable the system yet?”

“Working on it now.”

“Why the fuck don’t you already have that done?” Kades mumbled and Emir used the opportunity to fuck with both his brother and Carter.

“Carter’s girl still asleep or she up creeping across the hall, distracting you?”

Kades’ eyes landed on Carter then shifted to his brother. “This shit is not funny, Mir.”

Emir was in the backseat of the Jeep they’d rented under an alias and had delivered to the hotel, the luxury of money and resources. Carter was driving and Kades was in the passenger seat. Yair stayed back to have full access to his laptops and be their eyes and ears. Carter didn’t like the idea of leaving McKenna unprotected, but he liked the idea of leaving Yair alone in the suite with her even less, so he was set up across the hall.

“Carter, don’t shoot my brother. He wouldn’t fuck with your girl like that.” Emir’s tone was light, true to his easygoing personality, while Kades glared at him through the rearview.

“If he did fuck with her, I would shoot you, not him.”

“Why the hell would you shoot me?”

“Because you’re annoying and talk too damn much,” Carter murmured before addressing Yair while Kades smirked at his brother through the rearview mirror. “You done yet?”

“Disabled. It’s a go.”

“Four guards?” Carter clarified for the last time before they walked into something they weren’t expecting.

“Yeah, one on each corner of the property. I’ll keep the feed on screen and if I see anything, I’ll let you know. But right now it’s quiet. No movement. Not a damn thing.”

“At three in the morning, there shouldn’t be.” Kades spoke his thoughts out loud.

“How the fuck they supposed to be so damn deadly but the only thing protecting this entire place is a sorry ass laser security system that likely took Yair ten minutes to shut down.”

“Five,” he clarified and Emir grinned at his brother’s arrogance.

“I was speaking in general. You know your shit. But my point is, there should be more than some damn laser triggering alarms out here.”