“Because Julie pulled April to work your shifts and hired a temp to work nights. I’m being punished in your absence so she put me on night shift with the temp, which basically means I’m doing everything. This girl doesn’t know a damn thing.”

“Me being out doesn’t have anything to do with her punishing you.”

“Yes it does. I called in three times because working with these other hoes stresses me out and she wants to fire me but can’t because she’s short-handed. So instead, she put me on seven p.m. to seven a.m., which she knows I fucking hate. Now can we please focus. I need to know why you’re keeping our new man from us.”


“Yes, hoe, our. I get to live vicariously through you so I need you to fill me in on our man.”

“You know I’m not doing that right?”

“Why not?”

“Why the hell would I provide insider information on my man? I might be a lot of things but stupid is not on the list.”

“You’re right, you’re right. But now I see why you were buying all that expensive lingerie. Trying to keep our man happy.”

Once more McKenna’s eyes landed on Carter who still wore a self-satisfied smile and watched her, enjoying both ends of the call because Drea was still talking so damn loud.

“Drea, I’m actually busy right now, can I call you back?”

“Mmhm, I bet you are busy with that fine ass man. I’mma let you live but we’re talking about this as soon as you’re not busy…”

McKenna opened her mouth to wrap up the call but Drea added, “Bouncing on his dick or sitting on his face.”

“Drea…” McKenna warned. “I’m hanging up.”

Before she ended the call she heard her girl laughing.

“You hiding me from your people, Kenni?” Carter asked, tugging at her shirt which she yanked down.

“No and what are you doing?”

“Trying to see this expensive lingerie…” He grinned and attempted to lift her shirt again but she yanked the hem free from his hand. He chuckled but leaned back.

“I’m not hiding you. I didn’t know we were meeting friends.”

“Did you not just tell me you and Brooks were friends?”

“That’s different.”


“Drea didn’t pull up on you in the middle of the night with a gun.”

He smirked and shook his head. “You need to let that go.”

“I did, just making a point.” She smiled and leaned into his chest. “And if you want to meet Drea, you can.”

“When I do, what are you going to tell her about me?”

“That we’re together. What else is there?” McKenna stared at Carter who nodded.

“She’s going to have questions. Other people will too. You’ll never be able to be completely honest. There will always be a lie attached to us.” His gaze narrowed with an intense stare.

“Attached to us but not between us. As long as we keep it that way then I’m fine. What person on this earth doesn’t have secrets? We are who we are. You’re mine, I’m yours.”

She frowned then added, “My dad worked in construction. Not like management or anything, just a regular worker. Sometimes it paid well, others it didn’t. There were times when my mother had to carry things financially. When she did, it really bothered him because he’s a provider, but no one but them knew how things worked in our house. Not their friends or even our family. She always made sure, no matter how he felt inside our home, and not because of anything my mother ever did. She never made him feel bad about the times his money wasn’t right but it didn’t mean he didn’t have a self-imposed struggle. Outside our home, the world never viewed him as anything but a man who loved and provided for our family. She refused to let anyone add to what he was already struggling with. They had secrets attached to their marriage but never between them. If my parents taught me anything about marriage and relationships it was to keep your personal affairs private. It’s nobody’s business but your own.”