“You sure your favorite thing about me is not this…” His eyes lowered and McKenna grinned lazily.

“You making breakfast is now topping the list but this…” Her foot moved over his dick again. “Is a strong second.”

She shoved an arm under the pillow and allowed her head to sink deeper. “I talked to Brooks last night.”


“Yep and I think we’re friends.”

There was a hint of violence in his gaze. “Friends?”

“Yes. Don’t look at me like you’re plotting his very painful death.”

“Maybe I should.”

“You shouldn’t. He’s important to you. I have to accept him as a part of my life.”

“No, you don’t.”


His stare remained threatening. She rolled her eyes. “He’s your family which makes him mine.”

Carter grilled her for a long moment before he relaxed, only to tense again when she asked, “Are we going to talk about your parents?”

“Nah, we’re not. There’s nothing to talk about.”

“Okay.” Once more, Carter’s expression was hard until McKenna added, “Elena said I needed to choose my battles.”

He didn’t like the sound of their discussion being considered a battle. He didn’t mind sharing with McKenna. With the plans weighing on his thoughts he would have no choice but to let her in. He would when he knew what the fuck he was doing with what he’d learned. Revenge was one thing but knowing how he would execute that plan hadn’t been worked out. What he liked even less than someone telling McKenna how to function in their relationship was McKenna feeling like she had to oblige. Her rules were the only ones that mattered. It didn’t mean he would always concede but he wanted each decision she made when dealing with him to be her own.

“She said that?”

“Not exactly those words, but she did say I shouldn’t ask questions whose answers I wasn’t prepared to deal with. She also suggested I give you the ability to separate things in your life.”

He nodded and lifted enough to move to the end of the bed, planking his body over hers. His head dipped and he brushed his lips over hers before he spread her legs with his body.

“There’s no black or white, right or wrong, when it comes to us, Kenni. She’s right in some ways and with my parents there’s definitely a gray area. They’re not work and that’s what Elena was referring to. I don’t mind you asking questions. I don’t have the answers right now which is why I said there was nothing to talk about and…” His eyes fastened to hers. “As much as I appreciate Elena giving you her perspective on how she handles her marriage, she and Kohen have their own thing. We have ours. There are no set of rules for how this works. You do what feels right for you. I’ll adjust.”

She smiled slowly. “I appreciate that and what she said makes sense. She offered good advice. I’ll always do what works for me but I’m glad to have her insight.”

“As long as you know we do our own thing, I’m cool…” Carter’s hands began to explore but before he could physically show McKenna what their thing was, the moment was interrupted with a call from the landline building security used.

He begrudgingly lifted from McKenna and answered the call in the kitchen. Upon learning he had an unexpected visitor, he considered denying access, but knew if he was here, it was important. Carter reentered the room and told McKenna to get dressed but asked that she give him a minute to deal with Kohen alone. She did so while he pulled on a t-shirt and joggers and headed for the living room, silently allowing Kohen entry to his home.

“Should I bother asking how you knew where to find me?”

Kohen smiled arrogantly and glanced around Carter’s place while following him to the living room.

“Information is key.”

Carter snorted and motioned to the sofa while he stood a few feet away, hands submerged in the pockets of his joggers.

“Your security is solid,” Kohen offered, impressed by the way no one gained entry without Carter’s approval. The staff on hand didn’t have access to the elevator that led to Carter’s floor. They couldn’t allow anyone up. The access came from inside the units on the floor, all of which Carter owned. Carter understood that everyone had a price and if someone wanted to harm him and was willing to pay or torture others for that access, he would be screwed. He refused to risk his life being in the hands of anyone so the alterations were made before he moved in. The elevator could only be accessed from inside the selected units.

“I don’t leave anything to chance.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to.”