“You’re welcome.” He headed to the door. “I’ve been up for almost two days. If you need anything before he gets back, I got you, but try not to need anything.”

She smiled and nodded. “Noted, I should be fine.”

When he left, she showered the day off, changed into one of Carter’s t-shirts, and snuggled up on the sofa armed with the remote. The goal was to wait up for her man but there was something so peaceful about her surroundings that she knew waiting up would end in an epic fail.

McKenna felt him. The warmth of his body, the protectiveness of the way he was wrapped around her, and when her shallow breaths increased to full inhales, she smiled from the comfort he provided.

“You didn’t wake me.”

She shifted a little, inching back into Carter’s embrace.

“I tried. You mumbled some shit about leaving you alone so I brought you to bed and climbed in with you.”

“Your version of events. I don’t remember any of that. You could be lying.”

“I don’t need to lie, Kenni.”

“I know…” She smiled. “But you could.”

Carter kissed her shoulder and pulled away, tossing his legs over the side of the bed before he brushed both hands over his head several times. He’d only slept a few hours. The plan hadn’t been to deal with Alvin Jordan last night but when he received motivation by way of a notification that Alvin purchased ketamine, the drug he was known for using on women he planned to assault, Carter decided to rid the world of an undeserving soul.

The night was long and drawn out. Alvin barely handled the hours of torture Carter put him through. Alvin died a long, painful death that allowed Carter the satisfaction of knowing some of what he’d delivered to those innocent women had been returned.

When he made it home, showered, and climbed in bed with McKenna, the balance he craved so much returned. He wasn’t a heartless man, but he also felt little to no remorse about most of his kills he was commissioned for. However, the darkness and emptiness often existed. Having her here in his bed brought a sense of normalcy to his life that hadn’t existed before. He craved it, felt he wouldn’t know how to survive without it, even though she had barely been in his life. Regardless, it was too late, Carter needed McKenna.

“I can’t hate liars and be one, Kenni.”

Carter lifted from the bed and sluggishly made his way to the bathroom. His muscles were sore and achy. Hours of torturing a man was physically taxing. After he emptied his bladder, washed his hands, and started the process of brushing his teeth, McKenna was next to him doing the same. She lined her toothbrush with paste then turned against the counter after she shoved it in her mouth.

Carter watched through the mirror until they were both done then asked, “What?”

“Do I get another date today? You’re supposed to be dating me, remember?”

“As long as it’s around here, you can have whatever you want.” His hands were at her hips and she stumbled into his frame when he yanked her forward.

“We’re staying in today,” he confessed into the curve of her neck before the warmth of his lips moved across her skin.

“That sounds very familiar and very domesticated.”

He cuffed her face and kissed her. When he leaned back, Carter lowered his eyes. “I seem to recall three very productive days of us being domesticated and you didn’t complain.”

“Then your memory is terrible because I complained a lot.”

“You did until you discovered your favorite thing about me.” Carter pushed his pelvis forward and McKenna rolled her eyes but he followed with, “Come on, I owe you breakfast.”

When he stepped around her and left the bathroom, she stuck her head out the door and called behind him, “You’re cooking for me?”

“I am and if you talk shit, it will be a first and last.”

McKenna smiled, watching the leanness of his toned back and narrow waist as Carter left the room. She could get used to this type of view.

After a breakfast of waffles and some of the thickest bacon McKenna had ever experienced in her life—her new favorite thing based on it being maple brown sugar marinated and fried to perfection—she and Carter ended up lounging in his bed. He was propped against the headboard. She was not far, with her head on a lone pillow at the foot of the bed while her feet rested in his lap.

“You know this could classify as a date if I get lucky.”

Carter chuckled and caught McKenna’s ankle when she lifted a foot from his lap. He kissed the top and gently tugged a toe. “You are lucky. You’re getting my time, which I don’t offer freely.”

“But you bailed on me last night. You’re supposed to be offering me your time with my hand wrapped around your…” Her eyes shifted to his lap and her toes grazed over the thickness of his dick.