“She’s not alone and if you touch her, you will seriously regret that shit.”

She froze. That voice, his voice. McKenna wanted so badly to look but was afraid she was imagining things, dreaming possibly, like she had been since he walked away.

“Who the hell are you?”

“Tell him who I am, McKenna, and you might want to let this muthafucker know what a huge mistake it would be for him to touch you in my presence.”

She braved a look at Carter and my god, he was even more handsome than he had been months ago. He was also pulsing with danger. His expression promised the worst kind of destruction.

“Tevin, you should leave.”

“Who is this man, McKenna?” Tevin questioned and turned completely, facing off with Carter.

“Tevin, you should go,” she stated with more conviction.

“You want me to leave?”

Carter moved so stealthily and gracefully that McKenna could barely process the way he advanced on Tevin. He grabbed him by the neck, wrapping his fingers around the front and pressing his thumb into the skin right below Tevin’s earlobe. It must have been a pressure point of some kind because Tevin’s knees buckled and he had tears in his eyes while he made some insane noise that resembled a wounded animal.

“She told you to leave. Now I’m telling you. Are you going to get the fuck out or do I need to do more to convince you that it’s the best option you have right now?”

“Carter…” she said firmly but he didn’t acknowledge her.

“I’m going to leave,” Tevin choked out.

“Are you going to talk to anyone about why you’re leaving this house and never fucking coming back?”

Tevin swallowed and made another inhumane sound. “N-no. I won’t.”

“Good. Get the fuck out.”

Carter released him and Tevin dropped to his knees, but didn’t remain there long. He grasped his neck, stumbled back to his feet, and hurried out of the front door, slamming it behind him.

“What the fuck, Carter? He’s a doctor.”

“Since you seem so concerned, he’ll be sore, that’s about all. The alternative was breaking his fucking hands since he was about to touch you without your permission. I also didn’t kill him. You should thank me. I really wanted to fucking kill him, McKenna.”


The usage of her full name wounded her.

“At least you’re consistent. I assume you let yourself in?” was McKenna’s comeback.

“Your locks are still shit. The one on the back door is the worst. I thought we discussed you taking care of that.”

“You told me my locks were shit, I agreed. There was no need for me to change anything in my life if you were no longer in it. You haven’t been.”

“You being safe doesn’t have a damn thing to do with you having access to me.” His eyes left hers and traveled the length of McKenna’s body, suddenly making her feel self-conscious.

When she finally had his eyes, they were dark, in nature not color, and intense. “Is that what you want, for me to be here with you…” His eyes narrowed. “And not him?”

She felt an overwhelming pulse of anger. “It’s what I’ve always wanted, Carter. And don’t you fucking dare act like I haven’t made what I want from you abundantly clear. You said we couldn’t be together. You did that. So you don’t have the right to threaten anyone I choose to be with or be angry because I’m moving on with my life.”

“Are you moving on with your life? Because based on what I heard, you were ending things.”

“Mind your fucking business. You left. What I’m doing is not your concern,” she warned.

Carter smirked before his expression softened. “I made the choice that was best for you.”