“No, Carter, you didn’t. You made the decision that was best for you. Get out. I’m tired. This has been a very long night and I can’t deal with you right now.”

“What did he do?” The rage flaring in his expression had McKenna exhaling her own anger.

“He didn’t do anything. I’m just tired of dealing with men who feel the need to tell me what I want and what’s best for me when they don’t have a fucking clue about what I want or need. Please just leave. I don’t have the bandwidth to deal with any of this.”

McKenna turned to leave, hearing Carter’s voice at her back.

“How much time do you need to pack?”

“What?” She frowned, turning to face him again to find those intense eyes boring into hers.

“When can you leave? I need to make a call to prepare for having you at my place.”

“I’m not leaving. You are.”

“It wasn’t a request, McKenna.”

This was the Carter she knew. The one who took, demanded, but didn’t ask. A small part of her felt relieved but there was another side of McKenna that felt fear. She wasn’t afraid of Carter, but his life, who he was…

I barely know this man…

But everything in me wants him…

I’m so fucking twisted…

“I haven’t seen or talked to you in months…”

“You talked to me two days ago.”

“And you told me nothing had changed. That we don’t work, so again, why are you here asking me to leave with you?”

“McKenna, I’m not asking. You can either tell me how long you need to pack or you can leave all this shit here and I’ll replace it when you get to my place.”

“You’re insane.” She exhaled, knowing this wasn’t a fight she would win tonight. She didn’t have the energy to fight with Carter. “I’m going to bed. Stay, leave, I don’t care. If you leave, lock the door behind you.”

He smiled, so fucking sinful and arrogant, then walked away, stopping at the door, just before he left.

“I’ll stay to give you time to process that you’re leaving this house, with me. And for the record, Kenni, I know exactly what you want and need…” Carter glanced over his shoulder. “Because you’re mine.”

As soon as he was out of sight and just before the door closed behind him, she heard his voice again, but on a call.

“I need to see Corvidae. How soon can you make that happen?”

Corvidae? Who is that?

She released a shaky breath. No matter how much she wanted to argue with Carter, he spoke the truth. She was his. She had been since the first night McKenna found him bleeding in her living room.

When Carter stepped back inside he glanced around the tiny space. His eyes focused on the sofa. It was new but the memories still lingered. A familiarity settled into his spirit before he made his way to McKenna’s bedroom where his focus drifted to the one across the hall. Another reminder of how this all began. Three days was all it took for his world to change.

Carter quietly pushed the door open and found McKenna bare-legged, wearing a sheer t-shirt that had his dick thickening behind his zipper. She glanced over her shoulder while folding the dress she’d changed out of onto the dresser.

“Did I catch you before you could make your grand escape or did you decide to hang around because you realized I wasn’t alone?”

“What are you talking about?”

“That…” She pointed to the burner phone on the nightstand. It was in the same spot he’d left it two days prior which had Carter’s senses on high alert.

“You kept it?”