“Yeah, you keep it when we’re done if you don’t trust me. Get rid of it on your own.”

“Kohen gonna be okay with that?” Carter smirked and Emir shrugged.

“He just wanted you here.”

“How did he know I would agree?”

“He didn’t.” Emir tucked a similar gun into the waistband of his jeans and covered it with his shirt. “But I think he assumed you would.”

I’m sure he fucking did since he knew exactly why I was there.

“I mapped out our path, disabled cameras, made sure no pets would be a problem. We can be in and out in less than ten minutes unless you want to play. Your kill, your rules.”

Carter nodded and the two of them disappeared into the shadows, navigating between houses until they were two streets over. They entered the backyard of a small ranch where Emir removed a phone from his pocket, pressed the screen, then shouldered the door, granting them entry. “Alarm’s disabled. He lives alone.”

“He who?”

“Johnathan Archer.” Carter paused mid-step inside the guy’s kitchen, shook his head, and laughed. Archer was a bottom feeder. His skills were subpar. He tended to be reckless with his kills and was known for raping and abusing women he accepted hits for. Two things that made him unlikable in their small community of killers. Jessup had also been known for using Archer.

“Something funny?”

How fucking quaint. Kohen was handing him the man who was stupid enough to accept a contract that put McKenna in danger. That was why he said Carter would know soon enough.

“Yeah, actually it is. Do you know who Johnathan Archer is?”

“Nothing more than what my father gave me. He’s the one who secured the contract on Archer.”

“There is no contract. Not on Archer’s life.” Just the contract he accepted for McKenna. “Archer accepted the hit. Your father is offering me his trust.”

Kohen and Carter were a lot alike. Smart, strategic, and loyalty was important. Carter would have done the exact same thing.

“Aight then, let's get you some fucking justice.”

They made their way through the shadowy house which was quiet other than the worn creaky floors as they traveled to the main bedroom. Emir entered first and leaned against the wall. He removed the gun from the band of his jeans and chambered it, allowing his arm to hang loosely at his side while he propped one foot on the wall, giving Carter free rein.

Carter removed a knife from his pocket, flipped it open, and approached the bed. Archer was sleeping peacefully without a care in the world. His last fucking moments of peace. Next to him on the nightstand was a 9mm pistol. Carter was tempted to kill him with his own gun but the one on him had a silencer.

They didn’t need any unwanted attention before they were done, so he picked the pistol up and walked to the dresser near the door where he left it before returning to the bed. Carter sliced Archer’s face. One long swipe from the temple to his chin, which caused him to jump and cry out.

“What the fuck…”

His arm flew out to the side but his palm landed flat on the nightstand where he was expecting his pistol to be.

“It’s not there, you piece of shit.”

Carter smirked and sent his knife into Archer’s stomach, pushing hard and twisting the jagged steel so it did more damage. Archer’s arms flailed and he grasped at Carter’s hands and the knife, unsuccessful at gaining an advantage.

“Damn, that looks painful as fuck,” Emir said amusedly from near the door.

“Wh-who the fuck are you? Wh-what do you want?”

“I’m the person who cares about McKenna Smith and I want you to feel the worst pain of your life before I kill you.”

“I don’t know a Mc-McKenna whatever the fuck her name is…” He groaned in pain from the knife Carter was still digging into his stomach.

“No, you don’t because you didn’t give a fuck about who your target was. That tends to happen when you’re a grimy muthafucker who lets the money influence his decisions.” Carter removed the gun from his body, chambered it, and aimed the steel barrel at Archer’s head.

“You accepted half a million dollars to kill someone I care about. I’d ask you if it was worth it, but considering this very moment, I already know the answer.”