“Years ago, I offered your father what you’re asking me for. He declined.”

Carter tensed and his dark gaze settled on Kohen. “We’re not talking about my father.”

“Relax, Carter. I’m only bringing it up because I feel responsible. He was one of the few good ones. He trusted me, I trusted him, but he truly believed that your mother wouldn’t be touched by his actions. I knew better, so I offered. Things could have been different. You’re not a man who asks for favors. You’re here, which means this is important to you. Whatever you’re asking, I’ll do, with the understanding of what you’ll be offering in return.”

Kill contracts.

“I choose which contracts I accept and I work alone.”

“I can accept those terms, with one exception.”

“Which is?”

“Tonight you work with Emir.”

Carter glared at Kohen then Emir, whose expression remained stoic. “Tonight?”

“Yes, tonight. You have to understand the position I’m placing myself in. Whatever resources I have will be yours. My reach as well. Your family will be under the same protection as my own, but I have to trust that you won't be an issue.”

Carter gritted his teeth in annoyance. “I’m a man of my word, Kohen.”

“You are, and so am I, but the world we exist in is based on more than trust. I need assurance. You want to protect your family and I have to protect mine. Do we have a deal?”

Assurance meant proof Kohen could hold over Carter’s head. He didn’t like that shit. He could easily walk away, but wouldn’t. This was no longer about him. Carter had to consider McKenna. For her, he would sell his soul to the devil. In a sense he was, but at least this was a devil he knew. One his father knew and trusted. He would do the same. Trust.

Carter tossed back his drink, stood, and extended a hand to Kohen. Kohen finished what was left of his, stood, and accepted. They shook. “We have a deal.”

“Good. Welcome to the family, Carter. I’m honored to have you on our side.” Kohen smiled smugly and glanced at Emir who tossed back his drink, stood, and clapped Carter on the shoulder.

“Shit me too. I’d rather be working with you than against you.” Emir smiled brightly. “Come on. Let’s go take care of business.”

Before they left Carter turned to Kohen.

“How much was the contract?”

What was McKenna’s life worth in their eyes?

“Half a million.”

Not nearly enough because her life was priceless.

“Do you know who accepted the job?”

Kohen nodded. “I do and soon enough you will too.”

Carter didn’t bother asking. It was pointless. Kohen would only offer the information when he saw fit. They left Kohen’s office; Emir and Carter fell in step. Emir slipped his hands into his pockets and glanced at Carter. “You know this is not really about trust. My pops is old school.”

“It’s about trust, Emir. He wants proof that I will not betray him. You’ll have a murder to hang over my head and I’ll have the same to hang over yours. Your father is a smart man. I respect his position. You don’t have to apologize for how he handles business.”

Emir nodded as they moved through the house and left out of a different entrance, a side door near the kitchen. They entered a garage where there were four vehicles—all black, high end—two Audi R8s, a Range Rover Sport, and the Maserati MC20 Carter assumed they were using since the lights were illuminated. Emir had the fob in hand pointed to the vehicle.

“Tags are clean on this one. Can’t be traced.”

Carter nodded and eased into the passenger seat while Emir settled into the driver’s seat.

They drove to the south side of town and parked on a dark quiet street in a neighborhood Carter wasn’t familiar with. They both got out and rounded the back of the vehicle where Emir opened the trunk, unzipped a backpack, and removed latex gloves. Carter slipped a pair on and was handed a FNX-45 Tactical, with a silencer attached. His weapon of choice. He was impressed, but not surprised, Emir had it on hand.
