Suddenly, as if a veil was lifted from my eyes, I noticed the things I didn’t really take in at first glance, like their eyes, either too bright, or shifting like a predator’s, or night creature. The sharpness of their white teeth—not just Junis’s, but every single one of them—the peaks of their pointed ears, and the shine of their skins.

Junis is too pale, one of the men, green, except not in a sick way—he’s the picture of health, but the color of a Granny Smith. It objectively doesn’t make him any less attractive, but given my situation, I hate him. I hate them all. The could be the most gorgeous people in the world—hell, they could be that guy from my filthy vision last weekend—I’d still despise everything about them.

The one thing they all have in common is that no one here could pass as a regular—except the poor chick, still impaled by the corpse’s cock.

Wait, no, now the deadly pale, almost gray body underneath her has…changed. It’s gained some color—a taupish green that makes him look like someone about to die, rather than a corpse left to rot for the last week. A clear improvement.

They are either too beautiful or too ugly to bear.All strange. None normal.

The thing with the sups I know is that, well, they—we—appearentirely human.

Rain is a little too gorgeous for a regular, but none of her actual physical features would mark her asother. Even vampires—I’ve never met one, but I do own a TV. Occasionally, it’s even on—are perfectly normal up until the moment they decide to sprout three-inch fangs. And shifters might turn into an animal, but in their human form, they’re…human.

Then there’s me. I’m my sister, only thinner. And weirder.

Not them. Their strangeness is on display, which makes no sense whatsoever. How can those people—things?—existwithout anyone knowing about it?

Except maybe we used to know. At some point. Why, otherwise, would the folklore description of fairies fit several of those I’ve had the displeasure to meet in the last few minutes? I can’t name what actual type of fairies they might be, but I know I’ve seen these things in old books, movies. I’ve read about them.

What was it Cissa had said about fairy tales?

I don’t know when humanity decided they should end happily, but I think they’ve lost something.

She’d known. Of course she’d known, she’s one of them.

Right now, I am seriously pissed at the woman who I believed to be my friend. Why didn’t she tell me anything? A warning wouldn’t have gone amiss. One a little lesscrypticthan her bullshit about common sense.

Like, Hey, Rina, fairies exist, and forget anything Tinkerbell might have taught you, because they suck. Also, never, ever thank a fae. Cheerio.

Was that too much to ask?

I realize, even as I do it, that I’m dissociating. I’m using my mind’s ability to go off on a tangent to escape my actual situation, which has never, in the history of my entire life, helped anyone—me, least of all.

Then again, if there was one time when I shouldn’t pay attention to what’s happening around me, it should be now.

I shut my eyes, willing all of this to be nothing but a vivid nightmare, or better yet, one of my visions. Maybe someone slipped me something, and it made my usual psychosis take flight.

That must be it. If I say so to myself often enough, surely that’ll make it true?

But I’ve taken drugs before. They have barely any effect on me. For example, the weed I smoke only helps with the pain a little; I don’t think the THC affects me at all.

And my damn wrist is still on fire, after beingbroken.

My attention snaps back to the present when something is slid between my parted legs. I try to rise with a start, when I understand it’slegs, settling underneath me from my back.

Thin legs, emaciated, and so weak. Pale white-gray, like that of the…thing under the poor girl.

I’ve only lifted myself up one inch when fucking Junis orders me back down again.

Oh god.They’re going to do the exact same thing to me.

How many of these cocked corpses do they store in this place?

I tell myself it’s good I’m only seeing the legs; unlike the girl next to me, I’m facing away from the…thing.

“I say my contrary new mortal will find her releaseafteryour well-trained little sweetheart.” Junis grins. “How about upping the stakes? Double, I say.”

The rest of the table places their bets as the small creature finishes setting the cushion, and disappears before my baffled eyes.