I swallow, both outraged and unsurprised, my blood burning with anger. I want nothing more than to punch his smug, pretty face. And I will.Someday, I will. I vow it to myself. I’ll find a way.

Just as soon as I've done as I'm told.

I peel my clothes off my limbs quickly and efficiently, not wanting to seem like I want to tease those bastards, watching me like I’m tonight’s entertainment. I glare at him through it.

I'm not an angry person by nature. I can of course get upset, but then I get even, and I move on. I don't have the energy it takes to be—or stay—pissed at what people to do each other, or to me. When there's a toxic presence in my life, I simply remove it, happily walking away.

There's no walking away from this prick who think he owns me; not after the spell he cast on me. I will hurt him. Ineedto.

I need to break the curse, and then, I need to break his fucking nose.

Let's try that first.

Once the silver, shimmery fabric pools at my feet, I get up, draw back my fist, and throw it, aiming right at him.

I'm stronger than I look. I can run for longer than most people without ever being truly tired. Back in school, I kept up with the fastest regular human on the track team, except they were pushing themselves, and I was cruising. I couldn’t compete of course—regs and sups don’t have the same teams—but I know that while I look like I could be blown away by a mild wind, I’m strong. When it comes to physical effort, I tend to just stop when I'm bored. And the few times when I've hit someone, generally in my little sister's defense back in school, I've caused serious damage.

Then my mother reminded me how very wrong it was to use whatever natural advantage I’d been born with to physically throw my power around against someone weaker, and I felt terrible.Or at least, I felt terrible I’d disappointed her.

But right now, my mother isn’t here to tell me I shouldn’t, and I want someone to hurt. I want to see his blood.

His hand flies up and catches my fist before it can connect, moving too fast, yet without seeming to exert himself at all.

The entire crowd, bartender included, erupts in laughter.

"You're going to have such a good time with this one," one man with curved ram horns tells Junis, clapping his hands. "She has true sight."

My eyes glide to his, as a frown forms between my brows. True sight? What does that mean?

"What she will have if she doesn't behave is two broken arms and an asshole full of cum," Junis retorts, tightening his hold on my fist.

Then he twists.


The noise of bone breaking fills the room, despite the loud sounds, as pain like I've never felt erupts in my wrists, and I can only scream, and scream, and scream at the sheer agony.

I’m a stranger to true pain. My sister and I fell out of a tree as kids and I only had a couple of bruises, while my sister's leg ended up in a cast for six weeks. I don't tend to feel that level of suffering.Everyday aches making it hard to breathe? Sure. But I don'twoundeasily.

Yet he snapped my wrist like it was nothing but a twig, and my vision blanks as I bring it to my chest, whimpering.

And Junis only grins.

"I said strip. So you will remove everything, and get on your knees. And I would advise you not to try me again.” His smile shows me all his teeth—four more pointed than they ought to be, like a wolf’s canines. “Though I'll take pleasure in punishing you if you do."




I might be a proud person, but I’d rather not let that turn me into a stupid one, so I peel my panties off and get to my knees. My skin feels cool against the dark, streaked floor.

I’m not wearing a bra—I’ve never needed one, anyway, and it wouldn’t look very good in this dress, with the low cut and the off-the-shoulder neckline. Rachel teases me that my tits look fake. They aren't, but it's true that they have always stayed higher and firmer than the average B cup. I like them, usually. Right now, I wish I had tiny little tits, or better, yet, none at all. It might make the heated gazes of the seven strangers on my naked body less daunting.Disgusting.

They’re probing. Hungry. Like wolves, only wearing the disguise of something civilized.
