John’s my best friend, for fuck’s sake. I can’t be fantasizing about his daughter. But even just a few seconds of conjuring up her image has my cock hardening.

She’s just too damn exquisite. Round hips and bouncy, copper curls that dust her collar bones. I do not remember her being this gorgeous.

Though I only met her a few times when she was younger. Plus, until recently, I was married.

What little I recall from talking with John is that she’s been in Ireland nannying for the past five years or so. And I’ll admit that my attention was usually elsewhere, dealing with a divorce and all.


I close my eyes as I grumble to myself. Years. I lost years to her, and now her demands are threatening to upend everything I’ve worked so hard for.

And then, of course, there’s Elijah. He deserves so much better, but I’m spread too thin.

“Which is exactly why you hired Olivia.” I look at myself in the long mirror in my closet and shake my head. “Ms. Francis.”

Pulling on a pair of slacks with a navy shirt this time, just in case, I push my wet hair off my forehead and slide on the matching jacket.

The silver hair at my temples is a stark contrast to the black surrounding it, and I sigh.

“You’re getting old, Noah. Fucking hell.”

It hits me again that the prime of my life was spent endlessly trying to please a woman that was never going to be happy. Nothing I did was ever enough for her, and despite all the money, Natasha always wanted more.

More stuff, more clout, more of everything…except me.

I pull on my shoes and close my bedroom door on the way out. I have endless meetings today, and I’ve been dodging calls from Natasha all week.

This is the going to be one hell of a day.

Elijah is in the living room with a bowl of cereal and watching TV when I reach the adjoining kitchen. I grab a mug from the cupboard and call out to him over the island as I fill my coffee cup.

“Enough cartoons, Elijah. Your new nanny will be here soon. I want you presentable when she arrives.”

Loud crunching muffles his words as Elijah speaks around another bite.

“Okay! And I’ve only watched this one episode, Dad.”

I sigh and go for the creamer in the fridge. I’m running low and have been for a few days, but I’ve also had zero time to go out and shop.

Olivia really did come at a good time.

Just as the thought occurs, the doorbell rings. I take a quick sip and turn off the TV.

“Come on, bud. She’s here.”

Elijah scarfs down the last of his cereal and leaves the bowl in the sink. We go up to the door together, and I swallow hard before opening it wide.

Waiting outside, Olivia smiles happily and waves to Elijah. It’s warm today, and she’s wearing a casual pair of jean shorts and a T-shirt.

For what feels like an eternity, I admire the way it hugs her breasts.

“Hi, Elijah. So glad I get the chance to hang out with you.” She leans down to him, saying in a mock whisper, “Your dad’s all right, too, I guess.”

They laugh, and I roll my eyes, my usual bristly attitude sliding back into place.

“Hello, Olivia. Come on in. I can give you the tour.”

I direct her inside, and as she steps in, her floral perfume wafts past me. She sets her purse on the console table near the door and playfully bumps her elbow against Elijah.