It’s like they’re old pals already, and I can’t help but grin, even as I try to hold it back.

Elijah pulls Olivia further in and walks her to the kitchen just past the front hall. As they walk next to each other, I realize that Olivia is only a few inches taller than him.

Shaking thoughts of Olivia out of my head, I join them in the kitchen and see what time it is.

“Elijah, I need to leave soon. Can you get your stuff ready so that I can show Olivia around?”

He grabs his backpack from the hook near the door and starts shoving his notebooks and assignments inside.

“Can you pick me up?”

He always asks this, every single day.

“You know I’ll be at work, bud. But Olivia is here this time. She’ll be dropping you off and picking you up, so you don’t have to take the bus.”

“Yup.” She smiles at him and ruffles his hair. “I’ll be there, and we can have some fun before your dad gets home.”

I glare at them both.

“After homework, of course. I wouldn’t dream of interfering with this young man’s rigorous educational curriculum.” Olivia has Elijah under her arm, and she smirks at him. “Sound good?”

He nods vigorously.


“Great. Who knows, maybe we can even work in some time for cookies?”

“Cookies?” I raise my brows.

“Oh, come on, Mr. Stick-In-The-Mud. Homework, dinner, and then…” Olivia taps her fingers together like a cartoon villain. “Cookies!”

I put a hand on Elijah’s shoulder. “After dinner, Elijah. You know the rules.”

“I know, I know. I promise. Please, Dad?”

His puppy dog eyes radiate at full power.

I shake my head with a sigh. “Okay.”

Elijah hoots and pumps his fists in the air.

He’s so excited. Warmth spills through my chest, and I think about how long it’s been since he’s been truly excited about something.

But then I remember the time and turn back to Olivia.

“All right. Since I’m running out of time, how about that tour?”

“Yes, of course. I’d love to see your home. I’m glad I can be here to help.”

Small talk and niceties are a part of any job, but as Olivia’s words hit me, there’s real sincerity in them, and I find myself nodding with a smile. Her previous clients did have wonderful things to say about her.

“After you.” I gesture to the hall off the kitchen and step in behind Olivia. The view of her backside in those shorts is one I have to tear my eyes away from.

I show Olivia through the house, focusing on the rooms she’ll need to use most. After the kitchen, we check out Elijah’s room, the laundry, and then we reach my office.

“I work from home sometimes, take meetings in here, and I’m usually in here late after Elijah goes to bed. So, if you need me, this is likely where I’ll be.”

“And when exactly do you go to bed?”