Page 6 of Kenton's Courage

I made sure my dramatic sigh was only in my head, but it was still loud enough to make me feel guilty. I knew I had to explain the other parts of my life to him, but how was I supposed to tell him that I was a pup and did kink photos on a regular basis?

A voice that sounded suspiciously like one of my naughtier friends, Eli, piped up in the back of my head saying that at least I didn’t have to explain that I did porn for a living. He wasn’t really any more helpful when he was imaginary than he was in real life, so I pushed his voice back along with the other ones that tried to point out how many stupid decisions I was making.

If they weren’t going to be helpful and tell me what I wanted to hear, they weren’t worth listening to.

Besides, Bane was going to read my mind and guess.

Or he could be a cute stalker to the website and already know who I was. I tried to keep my face off the site, but I was sure he could figure it out somehow.

He was really smart and I’d made a friend online who said most smart people were kinky.

Yep, Bane was brilliant enough that he was going to already be kinky and it was going to be fine.

Hmm, was just holding my hand kinky?

He did that very confidently.

“The bakery up here has those small Bundt cakes or if we walk a bit further, there’s a place with cookies.” Looking very vanilla, Bane smiled at me like he wanted to kiss my cheek. “What do you think?”

Had I managed to find the one smart vanilla guy in all of existence?

“I think little cakes sound wonderful unless you’re a cookie kind of guy.” Was there a way to make that a kinky or not question?

He shrugged. “I’m open to a lot of desserts.”

Was I supposed to be reading into that?

I was starting to see why so many of the guys I knew only dated through kink websites and people they knew in the lifestyle.

This was hard.

“Then cake it is.” He was open to new experiences dessert-wise, so that had to be a good thing. “What’s your favorite flavor?”

He answered cheerfully without even having to think about it. “Vanilla.”

Oh dear.


“I had a wonderful time with you tonight.” Bane’s gentle touch as he barely held me didn’t give me any signals that he wanted to bend me over and do something wicked to me. “Are you still interested in dinner this weekend?”

Wanting more dates was a good sign.

Usually, I annoyed guys too much to want a second date if the first wasn’t so hot our clothes melted off.

“Yes.” He was sweet and cute, and I really hoped he admitted to being at least a little weird in bed sooner rather than later. “I haven’t changed my mind.”

His smile lit up his face and destroyed a large part of my self-control.

I kissed him.

It was just on the mouth, though, and I didn’t say anything about wagging my tail or ask him if I could hump his leg, so I was going to give myself some credit for holding back the more interesting parts.

He chuckled, finally tightening his hold as he leaned against my car and nibbled on my lip as I started to pull away. “No, I want more.”

It was just Dommy enough that my dick perked up and I moaned as he deepened the kiss, stroking his tongue against mine. If he fucked like he kissed, it’d be firm and deep and he’d take his time until he was ready to let me come.

Please let him fuck like he kissed.