Page 4 of Kenton's Courage

“I think we’d be perfect for a lot of things.” I winked as he turned to glance at me and giggled.

“Me too.” Pausing and looking at the vehicle options, he dragged me over to mine. “We both like Italian and sushi and your yard. We have a lot in common.”

How was I supposed to take that?

“I agree.” Technically he wasn’t wrong, but I wasn’t sure if he was trying to tell me something. “But we’re going to start with Italian and go from there.”

I meant dating-wise but he nodded and hopped as he stopped by the passenger side of the car. “Yes, we can do sushi again if you want or Thai food is always good, or oh, I saw a Vietnamese restaurant that looked very interesting, but I don’t know what to order there.”

Me neither.

“That’s something we can research.” Google fixed all kinds of knowledge gaps. “I think they have good soup and some kind of hot sandwich? I can’t remember more than that, though.”

Opening the door, I helped him into the car and watched as he buckled himself in. So, definitely not little. I’d dated a few guys who were on the little spectrum, and in nearly every case, they at least hinted that I was supposed to fix their seat belt.

“Oh, that sounds good.” Looking up at me with an adorably eager expression on his face, he nodded. “Let’s try that next.”

Did that mean we already had our next date planned?

I had a feeling that Kenton wasn’t going to be like anyone else I’d ever met.

Chapter 2


“I know.” Shrugging as Bane chuckled, I leaned back in my seat, wonderfully full of so much pasta I thought I’d pop. “I told him that tree wasn’t going to work out and I was right.”

I might love the modeling I did more, but I knew my trees.

Bane grinned, looking so sexy I wanted to crawl over the table and sit in his lap. “I would never question you about trees. You showed how good you were at your job from the very beginning.”

I was very good at both jobs, but we were only talking about the obvious one for the time being. There was a yappy voice in the back of my head that said how bad it was going to be if I got attached to him before he figured out the rest of what I did, but I just ignored it because I wasn’t an annoying yappy pup, I was a cute one.

But Bane might not care that I was a pup or that I modeled fetish gear.


If he’d reacted to the story I’d accidentally told him about Ian, that would’ve given me a hint about what to do, but he hadn’t even blinked. That was nice because it was always stressful when people got weird, but I wasn’t even sure he knew what it’d meant.

“It’s genetic.” I shrugged as he smiled again. “Knowing plant stuff runs in the family but most of the time it’s fun too. Do you enjoy your job?”

He’d said he did something in finance, but I wasn’t sure what that meant exactly.


He shrugged.

Not a good sign.

“It’s not bad and I’m good at it, but it’s not something I’m passionate about.” He didn’t look upset about it, just kind of resigned. “I never found anything in the finance world that I was truly excited about, but I can’t complain too much.”

I could understand that.

“Yeah, sometimes what you love just won’t pay the bills and sometimes what pays the bills is just okay.” And sometimes it was so boring it was painful, but luckily for both of us, we weren’t being tortured. “You’re still young enough to switch careers.”

His wince made me laugh. “No. I’m entirely too old for that.”
