Page 5 of Kenton's Courage

“So, you’re just going to have fun with hobbies and what…travel? You look like a travel guy.” Not the climb a mountain type but somewhere between beach bum and needs a bit of something smart to do.

Bane flashed me a grin. “I like traveling.”


He also looked like a good Dom type but I wasn’t as confident about that. If I was wrong, it was going to be frustrating at best and embarrassing at worst.

Bane was just so…I really wanted to get to know him more.

Asking him about his other hobbies would’ve made sense in another situation, but I really didn’t want him to ask me the same question. “Where have you gone?”

I actually wanted to hear about that, and I liked that it saved me from his what do you do for fun question that probably would’ve popped up next. Bane was the questioner type of date but that seemed to be because he was the curious type too.

“Not as many places as you seem to think.” His smile dimmed slightly. “Finding people to travel with is hard. I tried a few companies that grouped a lot of singles together but that turned out to be straight women who were looking to make other female friends and guys who just wanted to party on every continent.”

Not fun.

“That would suck.” I liked getting drunk on slushies with my friends but I wasn’t a big party with strangers person. “But where did you like going best?”

And the happy smile was back.

His animated expression and excitement were so cute. I loved watching him talk, but unfortunately, before he could finish telling me about Italy, we started getting dirty looks from our waiter.

I was just going to ignore it because he’d spent half of our dinner sighing every time we asked for anything, but Bane’s gaze darted toward the drama queen waiter as he slowly walked by us again and pretended to ignore us.

I’d spent the last couple of years surrounded by the best drama queens in the country, so he was nothing. But Bane, on the other hand, was much more polite and frowned. “It looks like we might be taking up too much time.”

“I’m going to be nice and not point out how many open tables are in this section.” Because I had good manners.

Bane grinned. “I appreciate you being nice, but how about we find someplace to walk around or grab dessert somewhere?”

Oh, cake.

“I like cake.” I hung around with too many littles not to like cake and dessert in general. “And I like walking.”

That meant we could keep talking, and hopefully he’d mention something kinky at some point.

It was the only way I was going to be able to figure out if he knew what a Handler was or a Dom or if he just knew how to rub bellies and get a sub off really well.

I wasn’t going to be picky as long as we had a starting point.

He was smart and that meant he was teachable. I knew a lot of very competent Doms and Handlers—who, unfortunately, were all dating other subs—but they could help him learn how to be a good Dom for me.

Spankings and belly rubs weren’t rocket science.

“Then how about we head out?” Bane glanced toward the front of the restaurant. “There’s a cute little shopping area right around the corner that has a bakery and a lot of independent stores.”

Which was probably why he’d picked the restaurant we’d ended up at.

Smart men were sexy.

“Perfect.” And then he could talk about kinks and fantasies and we’d see where we lined up.

All it took was one raised eyebrow from Bane and our waiter magically appeared with a smile and the check. I just rolled my eyes and tried to decide if Bane giving a big tip because he was generous was a better sign or if him leaving zero to protest the treatment of his special pup would be better.

By the time he paid and we headed out, I’d decided that both would be blow job-worthy.

Not that I thought we’d get there tonight.