Page 12 of Kenton's Courage

I wasn’t sure if I wanted that or not, but it sounded hot as long as I didn’t think about the consequences too much.

“No, just the first two because I’m going to really try to be good and not be disobedient this early in our relationship.” That wouldn’t start us off on the right foot.

Master’s lips curled up in a smirk. “I take it I should be picking out some interesting punishments?”

Sighing, I shrugged. “Maybe? Learning lessons is hard.”

“I understand.” Giving me one last kiss, he stepped back and reached for my bag. “I’ll keep that in mind, but for the time being, you may come when you’re alone as long as you send me a quick text first.”

That was more than fair.

“But that means you can’t complain if I text you at an inconvenient time, right?” Master didn’t seem like the type to make things difficult but I wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting myself into.

“That’s correct.” Looking very at ease as he took my hand and led me into the house, he set my bag down on the table in the foyer and nodded. “If I’m in a meeting or something like that, I’ll have it silenced. As long as you text me, you don’t need to wait for me to respond and give you permission.”

That was very reasonable.

“Thank you.” Bouncing, because the excitement just wouldn’t stay stuck inside me, I kissed his cheek because the Daddies I knew seemed to like that.

Yep, it made Master smile and think I was sweet too.

“I won’t forget.” Telling him that I was going to play with myself was going to be fun.

He laughed. “I didn’t think you would.”

Trying to look stern as we went toward the kitchen, he gave me a sexy glare. “But that doesn’t mean naughty pictures. No penises or tail wagging pics will pop up on my phone, got it?”

“Yes, Sir. No naked pics.” Did that mean he didn’t like naked pics in general or he just didn’t want to be surprised? “But…but I have a question about that.”

Master was definitely curious but he didn’t seem to jump to conclusions as he nodded toward what was becoming my seat at the table. “Alright, but first, do you want some water or something like that? You do not need caffeine, so don’t even try to wiggle something like that out of me.”

I couldn’t help snickering. “You’re so Dommy now.”

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Because now I’m not worried about you screaming at me that I’m a controlling freak.”

“I’m really hoping you’re a controlling freak.” Some of my friends would’ve said that was too honest, but it made Master chuckle.

“I thought that was what you would say.” He seemed to like being right because he looked very pleased with himself. “Drink?”

“Oh yes.” That’d been what he was asking to begin with. “Um, water?”

I wasn’t sure I had the mental capacity to sort through too many choices at the moment.

“Perfect.” Master was very cute as he kissed my head and started moving around the kitchen. He stirred things and nodded to himself and then made my water magically appear as I was trying to figure out what smelled so good.

“Okay, so what did you want to ask me about?” Master glanced over at me as he stirred something that was…oh, alfredo. “Kenton, focus please. What were you worried about?”

“I wasn’t sure I’d say worried. Concerned, maybe? Thoughtful?” I just needed to clarify a few things.

Master chuckled as he went to get plates out of the cabinet. “Does this have anything to do with what I said about photos and the way you keep saying shoots, like photo shoots?”



