Page 13 of Kenton's Courage

“Yes, Sir.” Well, there was no point in beating around the bush…whatever that meant. “I’m a fetish model at Leashes and Lace. It’s an online store that sells men’s lingerie and puppy play gear.”




Master looked very thinky.

His brows pulled together and he made thoughtful sounds as he dished out what looked like the best dinner ever. I was so distracted by all the cheesy goodness, I almost missed him starting to talk again. “So that’s the career you were talking about. You help out with your family’s business, but you consider Leashes and Lace your career.”

It wasn’t really a question but I nodded as he brought our food over. “Yes. I have a blog that’s kink related and I sometimes help with the lingerie shoots too. Eli and Roman have had a hard time keeping assistants.”

Because they were kind of screamy and a bit nuts.

But they were really hot together and loved each other a lot, so that made up for some of the insanity…at least Preston kept saying that it did. But Preston was one of those bosses who always looked on the bright side of life, so he might’ve been crazy too.

“Eli runs the lingerie side of things and his partner, Roman, is the main photographer. They’re both crazy and keep having sex everywhere.” Everywhere. “So I help out with that stuff instead of making them hire an actual assistant who’ll just leave after a couple of days. I don’t care who’s getting the orgasms as long as I’m getting paid and they’re not screaming at each other anymore.”

That’d been difficult to deal with.

Master was back to blinking. “Make sure you’re clear with your boundaries and don’t let them walk all over you. If you don’t want to see them having sex, that’s a reasonable limit. No matter what industry you work in.”

“I don’t mind watching.” Hmm. “Do you mind me watching?”

Might as well get that question figured out too.

“What do you mean?” Master looked like he was either going to laugh or sigh as he gave us silverware and sat down beside me. “I’m not sure I understand the question. This conversation isn’t going where I thought it would.”

That happened a lot in my life.

“Well.” As I started twirling my pasta and telling myself not to go too fast, I tried to decide what I wanted to ask. “I’ve had people I thought might be my Handler who really hated my job. I’ve even met people who hated all of my jobs.”

Some people just weren’t happy.

Master chuckled. “I like the landscaping work you do. You’re very good at it. I also think working in photography and modeling could be interesting.”

He was so polite while not telling me what he was thinking.

“If you really didn’t like that I kept walking in on Eli and Roman having sex, then that might be an issue because they’re kind of hot and I like that part of my job.” No point in hiding that if I wanted to get his honest opinion.

I just hoped I’d get to finish my food before he lost his shit.

“I also really like my puppy modeling.” What would he need to know? “My human face isn’t on the site much and never attached to my pup face.”


Did that make sense?

“I mean, I’m showing as my human face in the background but always fully clothed there. I promised my mother I wouldn’t get naked without my hood on and that seemed like a fair trade.” What else? “Oh, so when I’m a pup, I always have my hood on because it’s really cute and it makes my mother much happier.”

She had a hard time with me being almost naked, but when she’d realized it wasn’t the strangest thing I could’ve done online, she’d stopped complaining.

All it took to make a mother happy with the crazy she was given in life was to let her start browsing the part of the internet where the curious people hung out. Yep. She’d appreciated what she had after that.

“Your family is more interesting than I’d expected.” Master was grinning as he took a bite of his food and studied me.

After he swallowed, he shrugged. “So, from what I hear you saying, you try to keep your pup identity separate from your human one for privacy reasons, but as a pup you’re on their site in various stages of undress and with different types of gear…just always with a hood. Is that correct?”