Page 11 of Kenton's Courage

He was so hard and his hand was so tight and he’d kissed me so good…

“Are you listening, pup?” Master blinked at me, smirking a bit like he already knew the answer.

“Um, maybe?” Had he said something else? “Let’s say no just to be on the safe side, but I’m not admitting to being naughty.”

I wanted my reward for being good.

“I told you about my pup side and I have my stuff and I drove carefully.” There had to be other things I should be praised for, but he was so distracting I couldn’t remember them. “Oh, and I used sentences even though you’re really making it difficult to think.”

Yes, that was very good of me too.

Master chuckled. “Those are all things you should be rewarded for, you’re right.”

He was so smart.

Nodding, I loved the way it made his hand grip my neck more tightly. It sent tingly pleasure all the way down to my toes and made my dick even harder. “Thank you, Master.”

“You’re welcome.” He gave me another soft kiss, almost a peck, before easing back a bit. “When was the last time your pup came out to play?”



Trying not to wiggle just made me want to wiggle more, and that was all so distracting it made thinking hard. “Oh. I know. Last Tuesday. We had a shoot and I was so cute. I behaved myself too and didn’t cause any problems.”

Master blinked a few times before nodding slowly. “I’m glad you behaved yourself, pup. You’ll have to tell me all about it later.”

“Yes, Sir.” I had lots of stories. “I’ll be very good.”

So I could get lots of fun time.

Master smirked again and shook his head, so he might’ve guessed that part. “When was the last time you orgasmed, pup? As a human or as a pup.”


Did that mean he liked pups that were a tiny bit naughty sometimes?

“Days and days, Master.” I couldn’t decide how I felt about that either. “I would get hard thinking about you or wagging my tail, and then that would make me start thinking of you more, but then thinking would lead to worrying because I hadn’t told you about my sub side or my pup, and then I’d start worrying about what you thought.”

It’d been exhausting.

Even Master winced. “That’s what I thought.”

He gave me a thoughtful look and kept me pressed tight against him, so I was quiet and patient and only rubbed my dick against him a little bit.

“Alright, tell me your safewords.”

Best order ever.

“Stoplight colors.” Remembering other ones had been a bit too difficult and after one scene where I’d forgotten what gross cookie flavor I’d picked to mean stop, I’d realized I had to stick with something simpler. “Green means go.”

Master chuckled and gave me another kiss. “That will be easy to remember.”


“Okay, pup. Do you want me to make you come tonight, do you want me to help you come tonight, or do you just want to be played with and have an orgasm privately later?” Master asked good questions but I was glad they weren’t hard.

“All of the above.” Could I come later too? “Unless you tell me I can’t orgasm without permission.”