Page 92 of Healing Her Lions

“What the fuck?” Logan whispers, turning sharply, his hands on his head.

“We will help any way we can,” Marie offers.

“I’ll call the others, and make sure they are aware,” Bash offers.

“Yes, do that,” Las says. “We don’t know what Heath is and if he’s as dangerous as Quinn thinks, we’ll need them.”

Logan reaches for his phone and frowns as he answers. “Elijah?” His face goes white. “We’re on our way.” His hand shakes. “She’s gone,” he whispers.

“We have to go,” I say. I turn with my brothers and run out the door. “Logan,” I whisper as we get in the truck.

“I know,” he responds. “Fuck, they must have been watching us.”

“I did this.” I lean forward, putting my elbows on my knees, my hands folded under my chin. “I brought him here.”

“This is not your fault,” Logan grumbles. “We still don’t know why he’s coming.”

“It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out,” I sneer.

“What does the brother have to do with all this?” Las asks, his hand gripping the back of Logan’s seat as he speeds down the road.

“That is something we don’t know either,” Logan says.

“Too many unanswered questions,” I say softly. It will kill me if Breeane gets hurt because of my actions. Such a kind, loving woman shouldn’t ever feel unsafe. Our mate shouldn’t feel unsafe.

“We will get the answers,” Las says.

“Right,” I say.

What if the answers are not in our favor?

Elijah’s face was sympathetic as he stood outside the cottage waiting for us, his hat in his hand. He must have gotten here shortly after they took her. I stand with my brothers in the kitchen of the cottage, Elijah standing solemnly in the doorway, looking at the destruction that wasn’t caused by Breeane.

“I smell her blood,” I choke out. “Why do I fucking smell our mate's blood?” I take a step and my boot hits a knife. I crouch down to pick it up. “No,” I whisper, my claws emerge and slice through the blade. It falls to the floor in four pieces.

“Motherfucker,” Logan growls through his lion's teeth.

“She was baking for us.” There is flour all over the counter and the floor. The bowl is on the living room floor. “Brothers, she was baking for us,” I repeat desperately, hoping this is all a dream.

“They were shifters,” Las says softly. “She couldn’t have beaten them.” His eyes are glowing.

“She put up a fight,” I say, slightly proud, and then sad that she had to.

“Call everyone,” Logan rasps. “I want everyone here, now.”

Las pulls out his phone.

“I’ll wait outside for everyone,” Elijah says softly.

“She has to be alright.” I punch the fridge, my claws gouging through it. “Logan, I will kill them all. I will have no mercy.”

“I will help you.” His hand lands on my shoulder. “We will do this together. The men that took her will die today.”

“I will give myself up. I would rather die than live in this world without her,” I confess.

“I feel the same but you will not be giving yourself up to anyone but our mate. We can track them. Take in their scent.”

“Gas,” I whisper. There is a hint of gasoline in the air; they had to have started the fire. A determination fills me and I straighten. Two men. One is a lion. The other is a coyote. We have to block out the smell of Breeane’s fear; instead, I focus on her determination.