Page 91 of Healing Her Lions

“She’s fucking human. Get control,” he sneers at Lenny.

I have to laugh. “I will not go with you,” I scream, my foot connecting with the man’s stomach in front of me and he grunts.

“Bitch,” he growls. “You will.”

I don’t see the big fist coming at my face, but I feel it connect.

And I definitely feel the pain that radiates from the impact point down my body when his other fist connects to my stomach.

After that, all I see is black.

Chapter Twenty-Four


“What’s going on?” Logan asks.

Quinn called us as we were leaving the job site and demanded we come to the office. His fierce expression is firmly in place and his hands are on his hips. Bash is leaning against the wall behind him with Marie tucked tight to his side.

“You don’t have your mate with you?” he asks. “And why do you reek of smoke?”

“There was a fire at a job site,” I explain, frowning. “It looks like it was set intentionally.”

“She’s at the cottage. I told her to stay there and keep the doors locked and her phone close by,” Logan adds.

“We had to be there,” I say defensively. “After we got to the site, we called Elijah to stay with her.”

“What the fuck is going on?” Las snaps.

“We had been tracking her brother’s movements. I had a guy on him but he lost him. He was headed this way.”

“How did he lose him?” I growl.

“I don’t know,” Quinn grumbles. “The point is he was heading here.”

“So we’ll take care of the brother when he gets here.” He is human.

“The other news is very important, my informant called me,” Quinn starts and we all tense at his tone. “He told me that there has been movement from Heath's crew.”

“Movement?” I ask weakly taking a step forward.

“He is also headed here,” he says.

My hand is steady as I hold it out, but my heart drops. “He knows about Breeane?”

“I’m not sure.” He runs his hands through his hair. It is the first time I’ve seen the bear flustered. “Like I said before, Heath is mysterious. He hardly lets anything slip.”

“How does your man know, then?” Logan asks urgently.

“I can’t tell you.” Quinn’s face hardens.

“Can’t or won’t?” Las asks, narrowing his eyes.

“I can’t,” he says firmly. “It would put him in danger, and you three in more danger.”

“Is Heath coming for Lucas, Breeane, or her brother?” Bash asks.

“Take your pick,” Quinn says.