Page 112 of Chicago Code Black

"Then it was him because you are pregnant. Take a test and accept I'm right."

I couldn’t pull myself away from Rita; it was like a warm light was glowing around her. She put her hands to her belly and looked at me in shock.

"Umm, guys, if you don't want this one, can Wendy and I have it?"

What the fuck?

"Get out, Jess."

"Ok," she said, fake-pouting and walked out.

The second I heard the door closing, I jumped Rita and lifted her up, kissing every inch of skin available.

"Love, tell me you're happy. Tell me you want this." She was still silent, and I didn’t know how to read this.

"Happy? I feel like I'm walking on fucking clouds. Are you?"

Me? To answer her, I kissed her so deep, my lips surely imprinted on her soul.

"You're gonna give me another baby!"

"We'll have another baby."

We talked and laughed at the same time. Life had never been so good.

"This is the best birthday present you could ever give me, Dr. Sullivan," she said, running her fingers through my hair and watching me with dreamy eyes.

I was suddenly overtaken by a strong desire to have her. My cock was growing and pulsating, but just when I was set on forgetting our guests and taking her on my desk to celebrate, I heard the fucking doorbell ringing.

"Who the fuck..." I was visibly frustrated.

"I don't know, but we should answer. It already rang twice."

Hand in hand, we walked to the front door, and I couldn’t control my happy reaction. I kept looking at her beautiful smile that matched mine, but when I finally opened the door, surprise settled on my face.

What the hell was happening today?

"Seb? What in the name of God are you doing here?"

The massive man in front of me exhaled in release and crossed his big, tattooed arms.

"Mom told me you got fucking shot. Why is this the first time I’m hearing about this?"

"And you came here?"

He came to check on me? He cared if I'd been shot? Since when?

"Of course, I fucking came to see you. You don't have to be such a prick, Jojo." The old nickname made me wanna punch him and take him in a bear hug at the same time. I didn’t get to do either because Rita spoke up at my side.

"Babe, won't you invite your guest inside."

"Oh, Avery, hello. Nice to see you again." Fucking idiot. The last time he'd seen Avery was at our wedding, and I was not even surprised he had no idea how she looked.

"I'm not Avery," Rita spat back.

"No?" He looked at me, confused.

"Rita, this is my brother, Sebastian. Sebastian, this is my wife, Rita."