Page 113 of Chicago Code Black

They shook hands in an awkward way. He'd better start showing her some more respect.

"Oh, so you are the infamous brother who lives in Europe."

"To be fair, I don't live anywhere for too long. Depends on what orders I have. I'm sorry for the confusion, but I'm still a little...I was at Jojo's wedding, and it was with a woman named Avery. Not that I'm mourning her absence, just curious."

"I'm divorced and remarried."

"Jojo? You have to tell me more about that nickname, Sebastian."

"He's my little brother so I used to call him my little Jojo. What the fuck, dude, you got divorced and have a new wife, and this is the first time I'm hearing about it? Were you even going to tell me?" The tension was building in both of us. My relationship with my brother was problematic at best, nonexistent at worst.

"Since when do you give a crap about my love life?"

"Love life? You got married, I deserved a fucking phone call."

"Didn't mom inform you in your little private conversation?" He was her favorite son after all.

"No, she fucking didn't. I can't believe you'd keep that from me."

"Honestly, I didn't know you gave a shit about me or what I do. Army, duty, family, right? In that order."

"Don't fucking start with that."

"Hey! Stop, both of you!" Rita raised her voice enough to cover both of us. "Your mom had a handful with you two, huh."

"Love, Sebastian is a jerk..."

"Shut it, little Jojo. Your brother is here now; he was worried for you so can you please be nice?" All I could do was nod. He did come see me. The last time Seb asked how I was doing, I think I was still in high school. "Great. Sebastian, it's very nice to meet you, finally. We actually have some friends over, so please come in."

"What friends? I don't like people that much?"

"Aren't you a doctor, too?" she asked, amused.

"The people I treat are either passed out or screaming in pain. You know, too busy for small talk. I'm a trauma surgeon."

"Nice, ok. Umm, you probably know Zach. He's been friends with James for years."

"The Ford guy?"

"Yes, he and his wife are here too."

"He got married too?" I was surprised once more of the interest my brother showed in what's been going on around me.

"Are you mad he didn't notify you either, asshole?"

Unexpectedly, Sebastian's face darkened, and he turned to Rita, looking right in her eyes, like he was trying to apologize.

"Jojo is right, I shouldn't crash your party. Thank you for the invite, Rita, but I'll be on my way."

"What? No!" She literally clutched his arm, and I couldn’t help the jolt of jealousy I felt in my gut. "He didn't mean for you to leave, right, baby?"

"Of course, I don't want you to leave. I haven’t seen you in seven years." I’d missed him more than he’d missed me.

"Dios no lo quiera, this is insane. You two have a lot to catch up on and a few things to work out. Plus, we have an announcement to make, and it's something you should know too."

He had no chance in front of Rita. She was the most stubborn human in Chicago, and it was her way or no way. In the end, my brother walked into my home for the first time, and we went to the back yard. Rita was leading the way while the two of us were walking side by side.

"Spanish?" he whispered my way.