Page 100 of Chicago Code Black

Something in me ticked off. His repugnant words kicked off my engine, and the adrenaline came back, pushing me to my limits. The pain was gone; everyone and everything faded into the background. There was only me and him in a red-ish mist of anger, and that was when the tables turned. He was not the aggressor anymore. He was prey, and I was the predator.

I launched forward and twisted his wrist until the gun fell on the floor; this was the first time the military training I got from my brother came in handy. With a growling sound, the man pushed back and tried to take a swing at me but missed, and that was the moment when I unleashed on him. Punch, after punch, after punch until his face was unrecognizable under the blood. I didn’t know what happened next; the anger painted everything in midnight black.

...And I didn’t remember ever stopping.

After Wendy dropped me off at the hospital, it took twenty minutes to find my composure.

Come on, Rita, stop being a pussy! He was the one in the wrong, not you. I was going to march in there and demand a fucking apology and an explanation, one better than 'oh, it just happened.' I was going to ask for a long list of reasons why I should trust him ever again, and if it was compelling, I might ask for some dick. Who knew?

I took a deep breath and started walking like I was on a mission, but where the hell was I going? I doubted he'd be in his office; Wendy said the hospital was pretty busy today. I didn’t go through the main entrance but through another door on the left wing of the hospital that had to be the ER because a lot of ambulances were parked in front. There was no lobby or anything, just a huge room with beds and people running around like crazy. A lady was yelling at an older nurse not to touch her until her husband got there, and there was another man on a bed further from the door, umm, he was missing some parts and there was a lot of blood on the floor. Oh, shit, should I be here? Finally, my eyes fell on a desk that looked like an information point where a brunette chick was gawking at a computer, so I walked up to her and tapped on the desk.

"Excuse me."

"Hello, you need an admission?" she said but didn’t even glance in my direction.

"No, actually I'm looking for someone."

"Not here, this is the Emergency Room. Please go to the designated waiting area."

Like hell I will. What was with the receptionists in this hospital? This was the second one who tried to stop me.

"Actually, I am looking for my...husband." The word felt strange on my tongue even though I called James that every day for months now.

"Was he admitted to the ER?" Again, she used a plain, bored tone and didn’t look at me.


"Ma'am, if you don't have an emergency, you need to leave, now."

You had to be either very unhappy or stupid to push me when I was packing so much frustration in me.

"Hey, brunette Barbie? Leave the fucking computer for a minute and look at me before I lose my fucking mind." She froze with her coffee cup in her hand and looked at me - fucking finally - but her face looked like she bit into an onion like it was a juicy apple.

"I have a name, Helena," how am I supposed to know that? "and you can't talk like that. You have to wait for your husband in the waiting room or ask about him at the info desk which is at the main entry." By the end of the sentence, her voice was up, and people started to look our way. They'd better take a seat because I was just starting this party.

"Tell me to wait one more time, see what happens!"

"Lady, if you don't have an emergency, I will call security."

This chick was giving me an attitude, and I never liked that. I slapped my hands to her tall desk and pushed myself up, my feet dangling in the air, and I leaned forward to make sure I was in her face so she could see how pissed off I was.

"You might be the one with an emergency soon if you don't go on that computer and tell me if my husband is operating or not. His name is Dr. Sullivan. Come on, chop-chop. Bitch." I was very close to yelling now.

"You can't tell me what to do." Helena wined like a toddler.

I was halfway over the desk when I felt a pair of strong arms pulling me back and holding me in place. I turned to find Zachary Ford looking at me with confused eyes but very amused.

"Hey, hey, hey, Rita, calm down."

"Zach, do you want me to call security?" Brunette Barbie asks.

"It's Dr. Ford, Helena, and no, I got it." His face was stainless steel until he turned to me and smiled. "Why are you trying to have a boxing match with the ER staff?"

"She was rude, first of all, and she won't tell me where the fuck is James, and I need to find him. Now."

"He is in surgery. There was a pretty bad accident downtown, and we had a lot of people coming in, but I'm free now. Let's go grab a cup of coffee and wait for them."
