Page 99 of Chicago Code Black

Realization dropped on my head like Thor's hammer. It was not a coincidence.

"I need to close up my patient."

"I would not move if I were you. That's how people die when they have a gun to their head."

The threat sent Hoover over the edge, and he let go of the needle, stepping back.

"Fuck. I need to get near the table!"

"Let him die, doctor. You and me need to have a little chat about our wife."

All monitors went off at once, and my head started spinning. My Rita. Did he get to her? Was she alright? This was him; this was the monster that put shadows in her eyes.

"London, Dr. Hoover, get out of the room."

"Bossy much, Dr. Sullivan?" he said with a spiteful and disgusted expression that made my name sound like an insult.

"You said you want me, and here I am, so let them go." I had a lot to lose here, but I was not about to show it.

"You're fucking my wife. Not only that, but you took her away from me. It took me weeks to find out what the fuck happened to her, to know she lost her fucking mind, and the next thing I know is she's serving her pussy to you, probably for money. Are you paying her well, doctor? Because I’m the one who should collect." Rage started to put my blood into motion like a centrifuge, and I saw red. Mother. Fucking. Red. He could walk in here with a tank. I'd die before I let someone - anyone - insult her.

"London, get the fuck out of here now!"

I made to step towards him to make sure I was in front of the gun, but when London followed my order and aimed for the door, the aim of the pistol followed her.

"Stop right there, or you'll be next on that table." A table that would be empty soon because the patient's blood pressure was dropping like a rock on the bottom of the ocean. I'd deal with that later, as soon as I had London safe, so I pulled her to my side, partially covering her. "You really want her out, don't you? She must be important to you. Oh, wait. Are you screwing around on Rita? Don't worry, she'll never know. I did it too. The secret is to break her arm when she gets suspicious."

London shrieked, and I heard her breath cutting off because of the shock, and it only made the roar in my chest louder. I vibrated with fury.

"I know you feel like you have big balls when you have a gun in your hand or you're fighting a woman, but do not push your luck. Those bullets can't protect you forever."

I tried to step forward, but London gripped my arm and squeezed trying to make me stop. The only reason I was actually doing it was because I didn’t want to endanger her. If I got away from the hands of a violent maniac with a gun, but a hair on London's head was touched, Zach was going to cut me open and transplant my heart in my ass.

"Look, I don't know what you want, but you're not getting close to Rita ever again. You came armed into a hospital, threatening doctors, and my patient will be dead in minutes. I guarantee you that every law enforcement officer known to man is behind that door ready to hunt you down."

"Intimidation will not work, doctor, because I know my way around cops and stuff." Cops and stuff? I didn’t think this guy understood what the fuck was going on. He shot a gun in a hospital. Homeland Security was probably outside as we spoke. "I had to save my wife from the crazy man who kidnapped her and dishonored her. Who forces a woman with no memories into bed, doctor? We might both leave in handcuffs." I'd be happy with that result if it meant he rotted in jail for the rest of his miserable life.

"You're not here to kill me, otherwise you would have shot me by now. And you should be careful if you don't want to kill yourself because we have oxygen tanks in here. Shoot that again, and we might all blow up."

He laughed and looked around, then shrugged casually, but the gun didn’t move an inch from my face.

"Yeah, you're right, I'm not a killer. Killing doesn't bring any pleasure, but I do get off on violence. I'm just a wounded husband, doc. You stepped on my honor, and I'm here to make you suffer." He paused and looked in a very observational way around the room, almost like he was taking mental notes. That was when I knew that Rita was wrong; he was not a psychopath, no. There was no trace of mental instability in this guy. He was cold and calculating and knew exactly what he was doing. He was not ill; he was a monster that needed to be slayed.

"Let them take the patient and go. At least let the nurse..."

"Man, you're really obsessed with her. I can see why. Nice tits, baby."

"That man is dying right next to us."

"Yeah, that's not on me; he was like that when I got here. Now I think it's time I make you suffer." I could feel how hard London was shaking behind me, and Hoover’s knees gave up on him; he fell on the floor with an 'umpf' sound and started sobbing. "Since you like the blond bitch so much, I'd like to see you cleaning her blood off the floor."

And then it happened. It was under a fraction of a second, but it felt like my fucking life passed by me. He moved his hand and aimed for London's midsection. I didn't think in that second; my mind was empty, untouched by fear for Rita or my daughter.

London was close to me, already half covered by my body so without thinking, I pushed her on the floor and jumped in front of her. The gun discharged into my hip. Fuck!

The first thirty seconds were numb because of the adrenaline, but after that, a sharp burn struck me from head to toe. The pain was septic, and it made me dizzy. It was hard to remember why we were here, why I heard London scream, why my leg felt like it would fall off or why the big monitor on my right made that sound. Just one thing was distinguished through the mist - the mocking voice coming from the pig who shot me.

"Oh, man, why would you do that? Blondie, are you a better lay than Rita? You must be since the doc jumped in front of a bullet for you. I wouldn't get out in the rain for that woman; she's frigid and sterile like a castrated bitch."