Page 59 of Cardinal Whispers

I’m panting by the time I make it back, but I feel triumphant, having gotten away. “I know where they’re holding her,” I tell them. “There’s got to be a dozen or more Serpents hanging around though, so we have to be careful.”

Keep hanging on, Sienna, I think.We’re going to get you out of there.



My heart is in my throat when Bastian comes racing around the corner. “I know where they’re holding her.”

Adrenaline courses through me at his words. That means she’s here.

“There’s got to be a dozen or more Serpents hanging around though, so we have to be careful,” Bastian warns, taking a few panting breaths. “They’re keeping her in the far side of the warehouse, there are at least three guards on her and more probably inside. I can’t tell because I couldn’t get that close,” Bastian explains. “We have one shot at this but to better gauge the situation we need to get closer.”

“We should go to the far side and try to look in through the windows over there,” Caleb suggests.

“Good idea. Dominic, you still down to be a distraction?” Bastian asks.

“Roger,” I say, tipping two fingers towards him. “You and Caleb focus on getting the info that you need.”

We move out, keeping to the sides of the buildings and creeping across the narrow alley, trying to remain out of sight.Cutting through the empty field at the back of the warehouse, we circle the building until we’re on the far side, where Bastian thinks they’re keeping Sienna.

There are only a couple Serpents on this side and they’re near an entrance, about two hundred feet away. We’re far enough away that they can’t see us, but I know I still need to distract them.

There’s a bunch of rusted-out cars in the parking lot on this side so I dart forward and bang on one of the cars, then move around to bang on another.

The Serpents are instantly alerted and start running after me, but I continue to dart from car to car while my brothers rush over to the windows to peer inside.

A whistle catches my attention and I bang on another car before taking off running, doubling back to meet my brothers by one of the entrances around back.

“What’s the news?” I ask.

“You don’t want to know,” Caleb says, face pale. Bastian looks sick, and his hands are shaking.

“They’ve got her tied up,” he says through gritted teeth. “She’s tied up and one of them, Diego I’m assuming, is standing over her with a knife. They’re threatening to …” He swallows hard. “They’re saying that if she doesn’t give in, they’ll take her anyway.”

My jaw clenches so tightly that my muscles ache, hands curling into fists as my knuckles turn white. I feel my pulse pounding in my ears like a war drum, drowning out all other sound. My chest heaves with the effort to contain the storm raging inside me and my vision blurs with white-hot anger.

Every fiber of my being thrums with a primal instinct to unleash my wrath on those slimy bastards who dare threaten someone I care about.

“Let’s go,” I order, voice deepened from the effort to contain my fury. “We need to get in there rightnow. She’s in danger!”

“We can’t storm in!” Caleb bursts out. He’s shaking with his own barely concealed rage. “If the three of us go storming in there, without backup or without a plan, Sienna’s going to be in even more danger. There’s so many Serpents in there, they’ll wipe us out before we even have a chance to get to her.”

“She’s already in danger!” I hiss. “Every second we waste arguing is another second with her in the hands of those bastards.”

“We need a plan,” Bastian says firmly, blue eyes steely with determination. “If we make a plan, we’re going to give ourselves and Sienna a greater chance at getting out of this place alive.”

With great effort, I take a deep, steadying breath. “Fine,” I say, knowing he’s right. We can’t just go charging in. Sienna’s safety is paramount. “What’s the plan?”

“I saw some gas cans near the loading dock,” Caleb says quickly. “They have to be using those gas cans for all their bikes. If we set their bikes on fire, they’ll be forced to come investigate. I bet you most of them will come out and we can take on the ones who stay behind.”

Bastian grins. “Smart move, nerd brain. Let’s roll with that. You go watch the Serpents while Dom and I gas the bikes. Dom, come with me.”

I follow Bastian, the two of us moving like panthers through the jungle as we stalk towards the bikes parked near the loading bay. Caleb keeps lookout for us as we open the cans and shake them over as many bikes as we can.

“Here, use my lighter,” Bastian says, tossing it towards me. I think he knows how ready I am to burn these motherfuckers to the ground.

I take pleasure in flipping open the Zippo and setting the bikes ablaze. It takes less than a minute for the line of bikes tolight up and we rush to the side of the building, watching the blaze consume everything in its path.