Page 60 of Cardinal Whispers

Within minutes, there’s a few Serpents rushing out to see what’s going on and they start yelling, summoning more in their wake.

Dozens of Serpents are in the parking lot now, trying to stop the blaze or attempt to keep it under control. While everyone is distracted, the three of us fly into the building.

There’s only a few Serpents lingering inside, panic evident on their faces.

“Hey!” One spots us. “You can’t be in here!”

“Fuck off,” I growl before walloping him square in the solar plexus. He doubles over and I kick him as he goes down, laying him out.

Bastian and Caleb take the other guard, double-teaming him and taking him down as well. We head through the double doors, into the room where they’re keeping Sienna.

It’s dark in here, dimly lit with only the faintest rays of sun penetrating the grimy, busted windows, casting eerie shadows across the walls.

Fury erupts inside me as I realize that Sienna has been tied to a pole, wearing only her underwear. She’s been gagged, and her face is streaked with tears. Someone, I’m assuming Diego, caresses the blade of his knife against her cheek.

Diego's smirk sends a chill down my spine as I step forward, my fists clenched at my sides. Sienna's muffled sobs echo in the dimly lit room, reminding us of the danger she’s still facing.

"Drop the knife," I growl, my voice low and menacing. My heart pounds in my chest, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I lock eyes with Diego. His expression remains defiant, the glint of the blade casting sinister shadows across his face.

"I don't think I will," Diego retorts, his voice dripping with malice. "If you don't want me to slice her up, I'd turn around and leave."

"Not a chance," Bastian interjects, his jaw clenched with determination. "In case you didn't know, the princess belongs to us."

Diego's laughter echoes through the room. "I've been ordered to eliminate her," he says, his tone chillingly casual. "Orders are orders."

The weight of his words hangs heavy in the air, the gravity of the situation sinking in with each passing second. Sienna's muffled cries grow louder, and she rails against her restraints, trying to get free.

"Who's orders?" Caleb demands, his voice laced with barely contained rage. "What's the point of targeting her?"

"I'm afraid I don't have any answers for you," Diego drawls, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "I'm done talking now. Take them out."

The remaining Serpents spring into action, their movements fluid and coordinated. I steel myself for the onslaught, adrenaline surging through my veins as I brace for the fight ahead.

With a primal roar, I launch myself into the fray, fists flying as I clash with the Serpents. Each blow is met with fierce resistance, the sound of grunts and curses filling the air as the room devolves into chaos. I need to keep them distracted so Bastian and Caleb can take Diego down and get to Sienna.

The Serpents left are brutal, fast, and tough fighters. These are Diego’s top lieutenants, the ones he keeps around to protect him when he’s most vulnerable.

My only chance is to take them out one by one. If I can lay them out, they can’t go after the others. Shooting out my arm, Iland a hit on one, then whirl around to kick out at another one. “Come get me,” I say, waving my hand towards a third.

He comes at me, managing to land a few blows to my neck and face, forcing me backward. I shake my head to clear my vision, seeing spots from the force of the blows. It’s hard to keep on my feet but I can’t let them hurt Sienna. I have to keep her safe. That’s what I tell myself as I continue to trade blows with the Serpents.

Another Serpent punches me in the back, forcing me to my knees. As I fall, someone else drives a blade into my arm. I cry out in pain but yank the knife out of my arm, letting it clatter to the ground as I stagger to my feet. If they want to play dirty, I can play dirty!

Letting out a roar, I lurch forward and drive my fist into the nose of the Serpent who stabbed me, hearing a satisfying crunch as it breaks.

The Serpents around me start falling left and right as I unleash the rage inside me, desperate to keep Sienna from Diego’s claws.

“Surrender!” Bastian yells, knife to Diego’s throat. He must have gotten the drop on him while I fought my way through his lieutenants. “Let her go!”

Diego gives a jerking nod and Caleb rushes to Sienna’s side, hastily untying her.

“Have fun explaining this to your boss,” Bastian says as he moves away, hurrying over to help Caleb keep Sienna propped up.

Diego lets out a yell, but I’ve already taken out his men and the others are still busy with the fire outside.

“Give her to me!” I yell, running up to them. I scoop Sienna into my arms and we race outside, taking off for the business park where we left the bikes.

Sienna clings to me as we escape. “I’m sorry!” she sobs, fat tears rolling down her cheeks. “I should have listened. I’m sorry!”