“So, you taught Lily something?”
“Yes,” he smiled and then shook his head as if remembering. “And although technically everything went fine, it just didn’t feel quite right.” Then he looked me straight in the eye and let out a small chuckle. “It almost felt like she was my sister.” His face sobered. “Not funny at the time, mind you, but looking back I can now find humor in the situation.”
I was trying to process what he was telling me. He had taught Lily something like he had taught me. That had to mean that she’d allowed him to do things to her. Did I want to know more?
Whether I wanted to know was irrelevant. I needed to know. “Did you have sex with her?” Although Stephan had said he’d not have sex with me until I asked him, clearly Lily had been a willing participant in whatever they’d done together. Did that mean they’d had sex as well?
“No,” he said. “As you saw in the woods, not every scene involves a sexual act. Many do, but not all.”
“So...” I said, hoping he’d finish the story.
“So...” he said, smiling again. I loved it when he smiled. “We stayed friends and it came to my attention a few months later that she was looking for a new job. I had an opening at the foundation and thought she’d be perfect.”
“And...” I paused, wondering if this was something that I would be better off asking Lily. “And Logan?”
“Logan has been my best friend since we were fourteen. He’s in charge of public relations over at North Memorial Hospital. As part of her job, Lily attends events that benefit the foundation around town, just as I do. She was at the dinner they host every year when she saw him. They talked and instantly clicked,” he said. “There was only one problem.”
“What?” I asked, interested to hear the rest.
“Lily was a submissive and had been living the lifestyle since she was eighteen. Logan, on the other hand, was not involved in the lifestyle and never had been.”
I was beyond interested. This is what I needed to know.
He continued. “When she found out that we were friends, she enlisted my help.” Stephan shifted in his seat and pulled me back against him once again, this time taking both hands and lacing his fingers with mine. “It took some time and a lot of talking. I taught him what I knew and gave him material to read.” Then, with a certain finality he said, “They’ve been together ever since.”
I asked a few more questions about Lily and Logan before he said, “Saturday is the annual dinner for North Memorial.”
At first, I sat waiting for him to continue. When he didn’t, I turned a little to see his face. His eyes were soft. So soft, I wanted to melt into them. Him.
“Would you accompany me as my date, Miss Reeves?”
The first thing I felt was fear, but there was also another feeling. One I couldn’t remember feeling before.
I pressed my lips together until it was almost painful. There was no pretense here. He was asking me to go with him, and I was free to refuse.
I couldn’t refuse him, though. “Yes,” I nodded. He smiled and it made it all worth it.
Before I knew what was happening, he turned me in his lap, and his mouth was on mine. As his lips took control, my fear of Saturday and the dinner disappeared.
Chapter Three
He smiled warmly as he turned to leave for work Wednesday morning. I blushed as he grazed my cheek with his fingers and he told me to have fun with Lily. As I watched him leave, I traced my lips with my index finger. I could still feel the ghost of his pressing against them.
I closed my eyes as I leaned against the back of the couch and remembered last night. It had started out to be a kiss just like all the others, but then he somehow managed to turn me so that my legs were on either side of his. I was straddling him.
He’d encouraged me to touch him. Touch him in any way I wanted. My hands found their way into his hair.
I was unsure. While he’d never had a problem with me touching him, it was something that was very new to me. Ian hadn’t allowed much touching unless it was to service him. A few of the men he’d given me to had liked to be touched, but they always told me where to touch them and what to do. Ste... Stephan hadn’t given me instructions.
I remembered my hands in his hair as his fingers traveled up and down my back over my shirt. It was amazing how wonderful it had felt. How wonderful it always felt when I was in his arms.
My breath caught as I remembered how his hands had held tightly to my hips before he pressed me hard against him. I’d felt his arousal through the thin layer of his dress pants.
The moment I felt that unmistakable bulge of want and lust, I’d frozen. I’d felt the panic begin to take over.
He abruptly pulled away from my lips and he made me look at him. I could still hear his voice. Still feel his breath against my lips. “Not until you ask me, Brianna. Not until you ask.”