He’d held us both perfectly still until I’d calmed down. Then, he told me that he needed me to understand how much he wanted me and that he hoped one day I’d let him show me.
I hadn’t known how to respond, but he didn’t seem to need one. Instead, he proceeded to place soft kisses all over my face and then down my neck to a spot just behind my ear.
His mouth kept moving at an unhurried pace over every inch of exposed skin on my face and neck.
My face flushed just remembering it.
After a few minutes, I had started to forget about the part of his anatomy I could feel between my legs. The only things that I could think about were his lips. His tongue. And what they were doing to me. He always seemed to be able to make me feel things. Good things.
The problem was that even now, remembering, I had no idea what it all meant. Everything was very new. Although I liked it, I was scared.
No matter how hard I tried, my thoughts about the previous night continued throughout the morning. I tried to read, but after spending an hour looking at the same page, I stopped and set it aside.
There on the nightstand was the journal he’d given me. My journal.
I reluctantly picked it up. Its pages were fresh and new, just waiting to be filled, so I began to write.
Surprisingly, the words spilled out onto the page. Everything I’d been feeling. My fears. The strange reactions I had when he kissed me. How just having him there with me calmed me down. How different he was from Ian.
I was so caught up in my writing that I didn’t notice the time passing. When I looked up, the clock read eleven thirty. Lily would arrive in fifteen minutes. I threw the journal down on the bed and rushed to my closet to find something to wear.
He was right. Lily arrived five minutes early and was giddy with excitement. She was completely different from the last time I’d seen her at Dr. Cooper’s house - quiet, subdued. Before I knew it, we were out in front of the building and Lily was flagging down a cab.
Once we were in the vehicle, Lily could not stop talking about the hotel where we were going to have lunch. The Four Seasons.
When we pulled up in front, I felt my nerves start to get the best of me. Lily reached over and squeezed my hand. “I’ll keep you safe,” she whispered before getting out of the cab. Swallowing, I made my limbs move. I could do this.
Lily walked up to the front desk and introduced herself to the man standing there. He seemed small behind the massive wooden structure, but then he stood to his full height, and I cautiously took a step back.
He said something to Lily and then disappeared. I moved in the opposite direction, and pressed my back against the wall. The lobby was huge as I took in my surroundings. Everything was sleek and elegant. Not a single thing was out of place. Even the walls looked like fancy furniture.
My head whipped back around when I noticed an older man in a suit walking toward us. I tried to act invisible as the man came to greet Lily.
“Hello, Ms. Adams. It’s so nice to see you again.” Then the man seemed to notice me. “And who do we have here?”
Lily took a step toward me and reached out her hand, encouraging me to come closer. I hesitated for a moment before I took that first step. I felt safe with Lily, but not the same as I did with Stephan.
“This is Brianna, Al. She’s going to be joining us today.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Brianna.” Thankfully, he turned his attention back to Lily after that.
Al guided us to a large elevator along the far wall of the lobby. The inside of the elevator matched the lobby with its warm neutral colors, but the walls were smooth.
The doors opened again, and we were looking into a huge room. The walls were a rich, tan color, and the carpet beneath our feet was like nothing I’d seen before. It was brown, green, and gold with lots of swirls. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, making it feel even more overwhelming. I stayed close to Lily and tried to be as unnoticeable as possible. Al looked at me a few times, but other than that, he’d left me alone.
After Lily inspected every inch of the room, and asked many questions, I lost track of all her questions and his answers. We rode the elevator back downstairs to the restaurant. It was simple and elegant, just like the rest of the hotel. I’d never been in a place like it before. It was nicer than the restaurant where he’d taken me. The servers looked as if they’d come clean and pressed off an assembly line.
A woman dressed in a black skirt and cream blouse that matched the servers walking around took us to a table in the corner and handed us menus. I took it quickly before lying it down in front of me. Once she walked away, Lily asked, “What do you like? They have excellent fish here.”
“Fish is good,” I whispered.
Lily set her menu down and took hold of my hand. “You can order whatever you want. I was just making a suggestion.”
“Okay,” I nodded. She released my hand and picked her menu back up. I did the same.
Many things sounded very fancy on the menu. Then I saw they had duck and remembered how much I’d liked the bite he’d let me try. The server returned, and I gave her my order without much difficulty.
“Duck?” Lily asked when we were alone again.