Page 116 of Burning For Her Kiss

By the time the last car backed out of the drive, Beth was exhausted. Over the previous eight hours, she’d met more people than she could ever hope to keep track of. Drew introduced her to everyone in attendance. He knew them all by name with the exception of two little girls that were new additions to their families. Beth didn’t even think she knew that many people, and certainly not with the ease of familiarity everyone at the barbecue displayed.

“I wish you both didn’t have to head back tonight,” Nancy said as she and Drew walked toward where Beth was standing.

He gave his mother a kiss on the cheek. “Unfortunately, we both have to work tomorrow.”

Nancy sighed as her husband came up to stand beside her. “Are you sure you have everything?”

“Yep. I loaded all our stuff from the campsite into the car this morning.”

Seeming not to want to say goodbye, Nancy pulled her son in for a hug. “You take care of yourself, you hear?”

When she released him, Bill moved in to embrace his son. “Stay safe.”

Drew’s parents might both support their son’s decision to become a firefighter, but that didn’t mean they didn’t worry about him. Then again, Beth knew her parents worried about her, too. It wasn’t the same, but she figured all parents who loved their children worried about them to some degree.

Seth jogged down the front steps to join them. He’d been pleasant to her during the barbecue, but he still wasn’t overly friendly. She had no idea why and wondered if maybe Drew did. They’d gotten sidetracked and she’d forgotten to ask him about it.

“Are you heading back to the city tonight?” Drew asked his brother.

“Nah. I’ll get up early and drive back in the morning. These things always wear me out. I need a good night’s sleep first.” It was the most Beth had heard Seth say since she’d met him.

“I wish we could as well, but work beckons.”

“You’ll call me when you get home? Let me know you made it back in one piece?” Nancy asked.

Drew grinned. “Don’t I always?”

It was getting late and they needed to get on the road. With that in mind, she addressed Nancy and Bill. “It was very nice to meet you. Thank you for having me.”

The next thing Beth knew, Drew’s mom once again had her locked in a tight, albeit brief, embrace. “You’re welcome any time.”

When Nancy stepped back, Bill surprised Beth with a hearty hug as well. “Make sure my boy treats you right, now. If not, you let me know. I’ll set him straight.”

Drew’s father winked at her, and she laughed. She liked Bill and Nancy. Not only because they were her boyfriend’s parents, but also because they were good people.

Bill stepped closer to Drew and she discovered Seth standing in front of her. Beth really hoped he wasn’t going to hug her, too. Although from Drew’s parents it was a little awkward, from his brother it would have seemed less than genuine.

“Beth.” He said it as if her name held some sort of hidden meaning.

Two could play at that game. “Seth.”

Amusement lit his face and one side of his mouth pulled up in the closest thing she’d seen to a smile from him. “Have a safe trip.”

Not what she’d been expecting, but she’d take it. “Thank you.”

“You ready?” Drew asked.

She turned her attention away from Seth and nodded.

It took them another five minutes to make it down the driveway and head home as there was another full round of goodbyes from Drew’s parents. He only made the drive home a few times a year and according to his mother, that wasn’t enough. She got the impression that Nancy was hoping Beth could persuade her son to come see them more often.

The back roads were dark and there was even less to see than there had been the day before. Drew was quiet behind the wheel. It wasn’t until they reached the highway that he spoke. “Did you enjoy the barbecue?”

“Yes. Everyone was very nice and welcoming.”

He nodded. “That’s a small town for you. I’ve known most of them all my life.”

“Sounds nice.” Growing up in the suburbs, most neighbors kept to themselves. Sure, you might see them outside mowing their lawn or tending to flowerbeds and you would wave, but it wasn’t as if you invited them to dinner. Even if you did, it was nothing like what Drew’s parents had put on.