Page 117 of Burning For Her Kiss

Silence filled the car again for several more miles before Drew cleared his throat. “Did my brother . . . did Seth say anything to you?”

She shrugged. “Not really. In fact, I’m not sure he said more than ten words to me.”

“Don’t let him get to you. He knows how to push people’s buttons. It’s what he does for a living.” Drew sighed. “And for some godforsaken reason, he thinks he has to look out for me or something.”

“He’s your brother.”

Drew glanced over at her. “I’m twenty-eight years old. If I needed a big brother to look out for me, it was when I was growing up. Not now.”

“I’m sure he has his reasons.” Why she was siding with Seth—whom she hadn’t really been all that impressed with—she had no idea.

“He does. Or at least, he thinks he does.” Drew pressed his lips together. “Yesterday after you walked off, he was grilling me about you. Or about your financials anyway.”

“Me? Why?” That made no sense. Beth had never met Drew’s brother before he’d strolled into the kitchen.

“No idea. I got the impression that he thought you may be trying to take advantage of me or something.”

Beth furrowed her brow.

“I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s probably just Seth being Seth. He’s always been a numbers guy. Maybe he’s only being like this because I brought you home. He knows if I did that you have to be pretty important to me.” And they were back to the one subject she really didn’t want to talk about.

But Drew didn’t go there. Instead he reached for her hand and tangled their fingers together. It was a simple gesture, but it was exactly what she needed. How was she not to fall in love with him?”

It took them a little over an hour to get home. He drove up to her house and parked the vehicle along the curb. “Do you want me to come in?”

Did she? For all her insistence that she wanted space, the thought of him not being in her bed caused a lump in her throat. She should send him home. If for no other reason but to prove to herself that she didn’t need him as much as it felt like she did.

She couldn’t do it, though. “Yes.”

He retrieved their bags from the trunk and followed her up the walkway to her front door. It wasn’t too late. She could still tell him to go home.

Then she felt his breath on the back of her neck. Desire shot through her, settling at the junction between her legs. Last night was the first time they’d slept next to each other and not fooled around. She wanted him. And whether she liked it or not, she needed him.

Turning the lock, she opened the door and stepped over the threshold. As soon as they were both inside with the door closed firmly behind them, she faced him and brought his mouth down to hers.

Drew dropped their bags and circled his arms around her, resting one hand on her ass.

Beth drew back enough to look into his eyes. He’d rejected her last night. She was hoping he understood her need and wouldn’t do it again tonight.

When she didn’t see any hesitation from him, she reached behind her and took hold of the hand he had groping his favorite body part. As much as she wanted to fuck him and forget the swirl of emotions, she needed to make love to him. Everything else—all the analyzing of what it all meant—would have to wait until tomorrow.


Chapter 29

Things returned to normal over the next week . . . or as normal as they were going to get until Beth could figure out her feelings. Drew was trying to give her time. He hadn’t brought up the subject of their future again, but she could tell he was frustrated. The stalemate they were locked in was entirely her fault.

Although he’d spent the night with her on Monday, he’d told her he had some things to do on his day off on Wednesday and might be out late so he didn’t come over. With him working on Thursday, she didn’t get to see him again until Friday. He picked her up for dinner and then they made their way to Serpent’s Kiss.

It felt as if it had been more than a week since they’d been inside the club. She took a look around to see who was there. Jeff had some sort of work function, so she knew he and Nicole wouldn’t be making an appearance. Drew’s friends Allison and John were across the room and Daniel was at one of the bar tables chatting with a small group of Doms.

When Beth’s gaze landed on Katrina, Beth blew out a breath and turned to Drew. “Why don’t you go get us something to drink and see if you can find Allison and John? I’ll join you in a few minutes. I need to talk to Katrina about something first.”

He raised his eyebrows slightly, but after a moment, he nodded. “Do you want your usual?”

Beth nodded. “Yes, please.”

She watched his retreating back and knew she had to figure this out soon. Drew was a great guy and she knew she could trust him. But knowing it and believing it were two different things.