When Beth faced him again, she held a length of rope in her right hand. She had a knowing smirk on her face as she approached him. “Give me your hands.”

Drew didn’t hesitate. He presented both hands to her eagerly.

She maneuvered them so that his palms were facing each other and then began wrapping the rope around both wrists, binding them together. As the ropes secured his wrists, Drew felt himself becoming grounded. With the rope in place, Beth lifted his arms over his head and used a second section of rope to connect his bound wrists to the bed.

Beth leaned over him, her hands on his face. She traced the outline of his lips with her thumbs. He wanted to kiss her, but he didn’t think that was going to happen. Not the way she was looking at him. Her eyes were almost predatory.

“The ropes aren’t too tight, are they?” she asked in that seductive voice of hers. He could listen to it all day. Then, of course, he’d most likely be sporting a permanent erection.

“No, Mistress.”

She came closer to whisper in his ear. It sent chills rippling through his body. “Is this how I had you tied up in your dream?”


“Yes, what?” She punctuated her question by pinching one of his nipples.

He jerked.

Beth asked her question again. “Yes, what?”

Drew swallowed. “Yes, Mistress. This is how it was in my fantasy.”

“Good,” she said as she scraped her teeth along his neck before sinking them into his skin. He didn’t know whether or not he wanted to push her away or invite her to devour him some more.

It was interesting how being tied up like this made him pay attention to things more. Beth was still fully clothed, and he could feel the scratch of the fabric against his chest. It shouldn’t be erotic, but it was. Her tits grazed his abdomen with a featherlight touch.

He was so focused on the feel of her body that he’d almost missed her words. “Tonight we’re going to work on patience. Patience and obedience.”

When she pulled away from him and climbed off the bed, he had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from begging her to come back. Drew wanted her to touch him. He didn’t care how. As long as her hands were on him in some fashion, he would be happy. It was almost comical to realize that even if it meant her grabbing him by his balls and inflicting some sort of torture on him that he’d take it as long as it meant she had her hands on him.

That line of thought was quickly shelved when Beth shimmied her jeans over her ass and down her legs. His heart had skipped a beat when he’d first seen her in them earlier. They molded to every one of her curves and the first thing he’d done upon seeing her in them was palm her backside and squeeze. Seeing that perfect ass of hers bending over in all its glory made him want to do it all over again.

“See something you like?” she asked.

“Yes.” He cleared his throat. “Mistress.”

Beth chuckled and continued to remove the bottom half of her clothing. She turned to face him as she removed the sheer top she’d worn over her corset. Before Beth, he’d never understood the fascination with corsets. They covered too much skin and took more time to remove than a bra. Seeing her standing there, though, with her breasts molded beneath the blue satin and lace . . . it made his mouth water.

With all her clothing removed except her corset, Beth sashayed back to the bed and lay down beside him. Drew could feel the heat from her soft skin and all he wanted to do was get closer.

“Shh,” she said, caressing his face. “Patience, remember. If you’re a good boy, I might even let you come tonight.”

They’d talked about orgasm control. And while they both wanted it as part of their relationship, it hadn’t been something she’d truly put to the test. Whenever they’d had sex, he’d been allowed to come. He knew that might not always be the case, but he wasn’t sure if he was ready for that to be taken away yet. They’d only been together a week. He could still count how many times he’d had his cock inside her and felt that rush of fulfillment.

“Tell me what you’re thinking.” She searched his eyes as if she could somehow figure out what was going through his mind.

“Just hoping I please you enough to be allowed to come, Mistress.” He didn’t want to make her think he’d changed his mind because he hadn’t.

She scraped the nail of her index finger over his left nipple, causing it to pebble. Again, the sensation was a mixture of both pleasure and pain. “I’m going to push you tonight. Some things you may like more than others.”

“I understand, Mistress.” A thrill ran through him every time he called her his mistress. She not only owned his body but his heart as well—even if she didn’t realize it yet.

As if to test him, Beth scraped a line from his nipple down to his erection. She circled the base of his cock with her fingernail and then cupped his balls in her hand.

Drew held his breath. He had no idea what she’d do next.

The feeling of all five of her nails scratching along his testicles made him stiffen. Instinct made him want to close his legs for protection, but he made himself keep them open for her.