She hummed against his neck. “These belong to me as much as your cock does.”

Her nails dug in a little more and he gasped. “Yes, Mistress. Yes.”

Right when he thought he might have to safeword for the first time, she moved her attention to the underside of his cock. While it was still a sensitive area, he’d rather have her torturing his cock than his balls. At least, he thought he would. It was just a guess since—

Holy hell!

He arched his back as a single nail started at the base of his cock and trailed upward. Drew thought for sure that he would lose his erection, but that wasn’t happening. He was just as hard—or maybe harder—than what he’d been before she’d begun toying with him. His body’s reactions made no sense, but the evidence was there standing tall for all the world to see.

Beth shifted, and the next thing he knew she was straddling his face. Her ass was staring back at him. Her pussy inches from his mouth. He took the invitation and tugged at his restraints in order for his tongue to make contact with the moist flesh between her legs. She faltered briefly in her movements when he licked the first bits of moisture from her labia. He did it again, wanting to see what she’d do and needing to please her.

“More,” she said as she lowered herself onto his face.

If she wanted more, that was what he would give her. Drew dove in with vigor, fucking her with his tongue and circling her clit.

As he ate her pussy, Beth continued to torture him with her nails. It was as if two things were vying for his undivided attention. He was surrounded by Beth’s scent, tied to her bed. His cock was quite literally in her hands to do with what she wished. For the first time in his life, he thought he might be able to come without a hand, mouth, or pussy adding friction. Was that even possible?

Drew knew she was getting close when she started grinding against his face. He doubled his efforts and concentrated on her clit. If he had his hands free, he would have added his fingers to the mix as well.

Out of the blue, Beth leaned forward. He felt her place one hand on his balls, pressing them to the side of his leg. Then, almost all in the next instant, one of her fingers was rubbing the skin on the underside of his testicles and another was skimming his asshole.

Her breath hitched and she jerked her hips violently against his tongue.

“Come,” she yelled.

The last thing he felt was her lips wrapping around the head of his cock. After that, he saw a flash of light and then the world fell away.


Chapter 24

Beth pulled the sheet over both their bodies and curled up alongside Drew. She had untied his wrists and then dropped the rope on the floor next to the bed before curling up next to him. As she placed her cheek against his chest, she felt a tremor pass through him. “Are you all right?”

He didn’t answer right away. She tilted her head up to see his face. Drew had his eyes closed and he was still breathing deeper than was normal. Unsure what else to do until he started talking to her, she held him tighter.

Drew lifted his arm and rested his hand on her hip. With his other hand, he caressed the side of her face. “I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard in my life. Scratch that. I know I haven’t.”

She smiled and kissed the smooth column of his neck. “Are you thirsty?”

He swallowed and then nodded. “Yeah. I could use some water.”

Beth reached behind her to grab the bottle of water she’d left on her nightstand. When she turned back around, she saw he’d propped himself up on his elbow. She handed him the bottle and then reached for candy that had been sitting next to the water. “You should suck on this as well. It will help.”

There was a slight hesitation before he took the offered candy. “Thanks.”

She stayed close, but gave him some space as he downed almost half the bottle of water before unwrapping the hard candy and popping it into his mouth. “Are you feeling lightheaded at all? Cold? Jittery?”

Drew took another sip of water before reaching for her. “I feel a little off balance. And I feel a strong desire to wrap my arms around you.”

She smiled. “That can be arranged.”

They propped some pillows up behind them so Drew could still suck on his candy, drink his water, and get the connection with her that he wanted. Beth enjoyed being a Domme. There were so many things about it that turned her on. But this was one of the best parts for her. She loved the quiet moments after a scene when everything was still raw. It held an intimacy that she couldn’t explain to someone who had never experienced it.

He traced a line with the tips of his fingers down her spine, and then curled his palm around her hip. “I guess I like CBT more than I thought I would.”

Beth giggled. “While that may be true, that wasn’t really what I’d consider CBT.”

“It wasn’t?” He seemed shocked by her statement.