“Sure.” Drew tossed his rag onto the bench and followed his friend outside.

Shawn kept walking until they were several feet away from the open bays. It wasn’t likely anyone would hear them out there.

“I got a text from Jill while we were out earlier.”

From the look on Shawn’s face, she hadn’t been messaging to ask him back. “What did she say?”

He leaned back against the building and ran a hand over his face in frustration. “She wants me to come get the rest of my stuff tomorrow. Says she wants a clean break so she can move on with her life before it’s too late.”

Drew moved to stand beside Shawn. “I’m sorry.”

For the first time in the seven years Drew had known him, he thought Shawn might break down.

He didn’t. Instead, he took a deep breath and looked across the street where a couple of kids were playing. “I know you have a date tomorrow night with your new girl, but do you think you can go with me to move my stuff? It shouldn’t take more than a few hours. Most everything in the house is hers anyway.”

“Sure. Did you want to go first thing in the morning, or would you rather get some sleep first?” Drew asked.

“I think I’d rather get it over with, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course not.”

Shawn nodded. “I’d ask some of the other guys but . . .”

“But you’d rather they not know yet. I get it.”

Shawn snorted. “I suppose you do. How long do you think you’re going to be able to keep your new girlfriend from everyone? Given that cheesy grin I’ve seen on your face a few times today, and your late night phone call . . . I’m thinking a week, tops.” The change in subject had brightened Shawn’s mood considerably.

Drew rolled his eyes. “We’ll see.”

“She must be something if she has you mooning after her already.”

He smiled. “She is.”

“I’m happy for you.” Sadness crept back into Shawn’s features.

“Do you think you and Jill can work it out?” Drew asked.

“I don’t know. She seems pretty determined it’s over.” Shawn bent down, picked up a stick from the sidewalk, and began tearing off the bark. He’d quit smoking about six months ago, and Drew figured he was probably trying to distract himself from wanting a cigarette. “Tell me about Beth. What’s she look like?”

Drew grinned and lowered himself down beside Shawn. “She’s about five six. Long, dark brown hair. It’s almost black it’s so dark. Her curves are what dreams are made of, and her legs . . .” Drew sighed as he remembered having his hands on her hips as he licked her pussy and watched as she shuddered around him.

Shawn whistled. “You’ve got it bad. Maybe a week’s too long.”

Drew shoved his friend, stood, and brushed himself off. “We’d better get back in there before someone comes looking for us.”

Nodding, Shawn threw the battered stick down on the sidewalk. Drew thought he’d push himself up off the wall and that would be the end of their conversation. He was wrong. Shawn looked up at him, squinting in the sunlight. “If she’s the one, don’t let her get away. Don’t make the same mistake I did.”

Before Drew could respond, Shawn was up and headed back into the station. Drew had no choice but to follow him. Shawn always had liked to get in the last word.

Aside from an EMS call around nine that night, things were quiet. Drew settled into his cot a little before eleven. He closed his eyes and tried to relax. It had been a busy day. He should’ve fallen asleep in minutes, but at eleven thirty he was still awake. Of late, he would have blamed it on his libido, but that wasn’t the problem this time.

He was worried about Shawn. His friend had gone through the motions during their shift. Normally he was a pretty laid-back kind of guy. He could be serious when the situation warranted it, but otherwise he didn’t let much bother him. The apparent end of his long-term relationship was weighing on him. Shawn’s parting words rang through Drew’s head once more. He knew his friend was right. If Beth was the one, then he had to do everything he could to hold onto her. He had to show her she was appreciated and that he wouldn’t take her for granted.

Rolling over, he dug his cell phone out of his pocket, and scrolled through his contacts until he found Beth’s name.

I hope you had a relaxing day. I’m looking forward to tomorrow night.

There was no reply. He hadn’t expected there to be. Beth was most likely asleep.