With Shawn’s issue taken care of, Drew rushed back into his bedroom. He made sure his door was shut firmly behind him, and then went to the bed to resume his phone call with Beth. “I’m back.”

“Everything okay? I didn’t realize you had houseguests.”

“It was a surprise to me, too.” Drew debated how much to tell her. “Shawn was here when I got home. His girlfriend kicked him out.”

“That’s horrible.”

“Yeah. It is. They’ve been together for years,” he said.

Beth grew quiet. “Does that mean you’re going to need to cancel for Monday night?”

“No. Shawn can take care of himself. I’ll be there.”

“I guess I’ll see you then.” He could tell she was smiling, and he wished he were there to see it. “Good night, Drew.”

“Good night, Beth.”

With a spring in his step, Drew plugged his phone into the charger, and then went to get ready for bed. It had been an amazing day, and he couldn’t wait for Monday when he could see Beth again.


Chapter 16

When Drew’s alarm woke him up at six the next morning, he jumped out of bed with an excess of energy. He loved his job, but it had been a while since he’d had such a spring in his step. The renewed energy he felt was an obvious byproduct of his date with Beth. Or Beth herself. Things had gone better than he’d expected, and they were moving forward with a relationship. He couldn’t have asked for more than that.

His mind on other things, Drew opened his door and headed toward the bathroom. It wasn’t until he heard movement in his kitchen that he remembered he had a houseguest.

Seconds later, Shawn turned around and caught Drew standing there buck-naked. Shawn smirked and pointed a piece of toast at him. “I like you, Parker, but not that much.”

Drew held up his middle finger and continued on his way to the bathroom.

Figuring he’d get his shower out of the way, he turned on the water, and stepped into the spray. As he worked the soap down his body, he smiled remembering Beth between his legs. He had no idea what the future held for them, but he knew he’d do just about anything to feel her mouth on his cock again.

Although it was tempting, Drew decided it probably wasn’t a good idea to jack off in the shower with Shawn in the other room. Besides, his friend would most likely want to shower as well before heading into the station, so he probably shouldn’t use all the hot water. Finishing up, he dried off, and wrapped a clean towel around his waist.

Shawn was just finishing his breakfast of toast and orange juice when Drew strolled out of the bathroom. “It’s all yours.”

His friend nodded, and Drew darted into his room to get dressed.

They drove separately to the station. Shawn wasn’t ready for the guys to know that Jill had kicked him out. Drew could relate to that. These guys were family to him, but there were some things you didn’t even want family to know.

It was midmorning before they got their first call. There was a gas leak in an assisted living facility. All seventy apartments had to be evacuated. Since the residents were over the age of sixty-five, many had to be helped out or even carried. Once everyone was safe, it was a matter of securing the area until the leak could be fixed.

When they arrived back, everyone fell into their normal routines making sure the trucks and all the equipment were cleaned and ready for the next call. Drew gathered his crew for a quick debriefing, and out of the corner of his eye he could see Shawn talking to his guys as well. Everything had gone well, all things considered, so there wasn’t much to discuss. When he dismissed his crew, though, he glanced over to where Shawn had been but he was gone.

Drew found his friend in the kitchen. It was lunchtime, but given they’d all been out on a call for the last two hours nothing was ready. He washed his hands and pitched in to help.

“Thanks,” Shawn said.

The two worked together to get lunch on the table as soon as possible. Drew didn’t know about everyone else, but he was starving. He’d learned long ago to make sure he ate well at every meal. A call could come in at any time, so you took advantage of the food put in front of you no matter what it was.

They’d barely taken a few bites of the lunch they prepared when another call came in. It looked as if it was going to be one of those days. He shoved a last bite in his mouth while he listened to the dispatcher rattle off the information they would need. Then they were off—their half-eaten lunch left sitting on the long table.

Three hours later, Drew worked alongside his crew as they finished their daily chores around the station. It was only then that he had time to think on Shawn’s situation. Jill had complained that Shawn was afraid of commitment. The two had never gotten married. They weren’t engaged. Yet they’d been together for over seven years. Drew had always thought that was a mutual decision, but apparently it wasn’t.

Thoughts of Shawn’s relationship inevitably led back to Drew’s newly established one with Beth. He knew she’d been hurt by her last relationship, and that she had trust issues. Would that translate into a fear of commitment? She hadn’t showed any signs of that last night, but things had moved rather quickly. Maybe once she had time to ponder everything she’d change her mind. He really hoped not.

Shawn came up on his left. “You got a minute?”