Drew could relate to that. Since he’d never participated in a scene before, he had no idea how he’d react. Even though he wanted to give up control to his partner, actually doing it was something altogether different. In all honesty, as much as he and Beth being friends frustrated him, he was grateful for the opportunity to get to know her before they ventured into anything like what he was watching unfold before them. He needed to be able to trust her completely, and no matter how much a person said they trusted another, true trust didn’t happen overnight. It was built and tested over time.

Several more minutes passed as the Dom inside the room circled his submissive with a crop. Every now and then, he’d swat her leg, arm, or breast. It was completely random, and the sub was having a hard time keeping still. She was anxious. But what shocked Drew was that he was, too. His skin was tingling with every hit the crop made to the submissive’s flesh.

Someone came up behind them, pulling Drew out of the moment. He took a deep breath and tried to find his balance again.

The man addressed Katrina. “Sorry to interrupt, but your presence is being requested in room five.”

She nodded and then turned to Beth and Drew. “If you’ll excuse me?”

A moment later, Katrina was gone, and he and Beth were alone again.

When Drew turned back around to look into the room, the Dom was kneeling in front of the sub. From this angle, he couldn’t tell what the Dom was doing, but then he saw the sub’s intake of breath and knew clamps were most likely being attached to her nipples. Drew had heard the reaction often enough in the club.

“What are you thinking?” Beth asked.

Drew met her gaze. “Wondering what it will be like. My first scene, I mean.”

She stared up at him, and Drew once again felt that spark that always seemed to be lurking when Beth was near. He wondered if she felt it, too. When he noticed the vein in her neck pounding, he knew she did. It gave him courage. He took a step forward—the scene they’d been watching totally forgotten. “Beth . . .”

Before he could do anything else, a door slammed shut at the end of the hall, jarring them both. Beth blinked and stepped back. She edged past him and hurried down the hall.

Not knowing what else to do, he followed after her. She kept moving until she reached the last door on the right. Stopping for only a moment to glance inside, Beth hurried through the doorway and out of his sight.

Drew had to admit he was worried. Everything had been going well until a moment ago.

When he arrived at the open door, he looked inside. She was standing in the center of the room with her back to him. He wasn’t sure what to do, so he stood a foot or so inside the door and waited.

Beth didn’t react outwardly to his presence although he knew she had to realize he was in the room. Just when he was ready to break the silence, she spoke. “Shut the door, please.”

Startled, he did as she asked without thinking. The door clicked as it latched into place, the sound echoing off the walls. Drew felt as if he were missing something.

Several minutes passed before Beth set her drink down, strolled over to the wall, and removed a crop. It looked identical to the one used in the scene they’d been observing.

She held the crop in her right hand, and ran her left down the length of it. “Do you know this is the first time I’ve picked up one of these in four months?”

Drew wasn’t sure what to say, so he remained silent.

“We were in the middle of a scene.”

He was confused. “I’m sorry?”

Beth turned around to face him. “Ben and I. We were in the middle of a scene when his wife showed up.”

Drew felt bile rise in his throat. “You don’t have to tell me this.”

“I want to. You need to know what you’re signing up for.”

He still wasn’t sure he wanted to hear it, but he nodded anyway.

She returned the crop, and reached for some items he wasn’t familiar with—a few of which looked as if they could be painful. “We were in my bedroom. I had him secured to the bed, and I was flogging him.”

Although he knew about her previous sub, it was weird hearing her talking about playing with another man.

“Someone rang my doorbell. At first, I ignored it since we were in the middle of playing, but the person persisted. I figured it must be pretty important, so I released one of his cuffs, and threw on a robe to go see who it was.”

She sighed and dropped her hands down to her sides. “When I opened the door, I came face-to-face with a very angry woman I didn’t know. She pushed me out of the way and began searching my house. I was furious, of course. I followed her, demanding to know who she was and why she was in my house.”

During the few weeks Drew had known Beth he’d never seen her look as vulnerable as she did at that moment. He couldn’t imagine what she’d been thinking when the woman burst into her home.