Allison grinned and tilted her head toward John. “I’m not sure if you’ve met my boy before.”

“No. I don’t believe so.”

“Did you want to join us?” Drew asked.

Beth turned her attention back to him. “I was thinking about getting something to drink and then heading upstairs.”

Although Drew knew he shouldn’t, he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to spend time with her. “Care for some company?”


They said a quick goodbye to Allison and John before making their way across the room to the bar. Drew hadn’t missed the encouraging look John had given him as they strolled away. His friend was one hundred percent behind his pursuit of Beth.

Drew followed Beth’s lead as they stepped up to the bar. Katrina was very picky about who ran her bar. She had a strict policy of no more than two of what she considered ‘soft’ alcoholic beverages and one of what she considered the hard stuff per person per night.

Although he wasn’t much of a drinker, he’d found out on his first night at the club just how serious Katrina was about the policy. He’d been nervous and needing a little liquid courage, so he’d ordered a shot of whisky. When he joined, he’d been told about the rules, but at the time, he hadn’t really thought much about it. That was until he was told all they could give him for the rest of the night were drinks that contained absolutely no alcohol. It had made for a very long first night.

Beth rested her forearms on the bar, stretching her top even more, and Drew had to bite back a groan. She was killing him. Absolutely killing him.

The bartender, Brandon, strolled over to them. “Hey, Beth. What can I get you?”

“Just the usual for me.”

She turned to Drew, waiting. “I’ll take a water, please.”

“Coke and Sprite, and a water. Comin’ right up.”

As they waited, Drew searched his mind to come up with something relatively safe to say. What he wanted to do was ask if he could kiss her, but he knew that probably wouldn’t go over well.

He was still pondering when Brandon returned with their drinks.

Beth reached for her membership card.

“Let me get it?” Drew asked.

She stopped, met his gaze for a long moment, and then nodded.

He handed over his membership card. Within a few seconds, Brandon had swiped the card, and handed it back to him.

They took their drinks and headed upstairs. He wasn’t sure if Beth wanted to watch a specific scene, or if this was a purely voyeuristic venture. Either way, he was happily along for the ride as long as it meant he was by her side.

The first room they came to had two people inside he didn’t recognize. It was a male Dom and a female submissive, but unlike the scene he’d witnessed the week before, this one seemed a little awkward. The Dom’s movements were less fluid, and the submissive didn’t appear to be completely relaxed.

“First public scene.”

Drew jumped a little at the sound of Katrina’s voice. He hadn’t noticed her come up behind them. “Oh.”

“Have they been playing together long?” Beth asked.

Katrina shook her head, but didn’t take her eyes off the couple in the room. “No. They’re both fairly new to the lifestyle.”

The Dom selected a blindfold from the table and secured it over the sub’s eyes. She tensed, and he placed his hand on the top of her head in a comforting gesture.

“Decent instincts,” Beth said.

“Yes. I didn’t get any bad vibes from either of them. They’re just very new. It will take time for them to establish a rhythm,” Katrina agreed.

As he stood there, Drew tried to take it all in. Although the couple was still feeling their way around, he could also see the hidden connection there in the way the sub reacted to her Dom’s touch. She might be unsure of what he was going to do, but it wasn’t that she lacked trust in him. It was most likely trust in herself she was struggling with.